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12 Reasons Why You Feel Tingling In Your Hands And Legs

12 Reasons Why You Feel Tingling In Your Hands And Legs

Tingling is a reaction usually caused by poor blood circulation. But the causes are very varied. Here are 12 reasons why you feel tingling in your hands and legs. It happened to us at least once. This tingling, manifestation of tingling in the legs, toes or arms is the result of a posture compromising the blood circulation of one of these areas. Thus, falling asleep by placing your arm behind your head or behind your back, compresses a nerve and creates a tingling of the innervated area, accompanied by a slight and transient paralysis. In addition, if this reaction, which is after all common and harmless, persists, you should contact your doctor. In the meantime it is convenient to inquire about the different reasons potentially responsible for this paresthesia.

Reasons Why You Feel Tingling In Your Hands And Legs

The causes of tingling are very varied and even if the latter does not represent a danger in general, it can still indicate other more or less serious disorders. Let's take a closer look.


This cause is considered to be the most common in numbness or tingling when high blood sugar causes nerve damage. You may have a greater urge to urinate, hydrate, and fruity breath (ketonic odor). A blood test may be done to determine whether or not you have diabetes. In which case, measures will be taken to reduce or even stop possible nerve damage.


The arms, hands and legs can manifest numbness and tingling in a woman during pregnancy. Indeed, this can be promoted by the growth of the baby as well as an additional presence of pregnancy fluids. As a result, the nerves of the body are under pressure which turns into tingling as the stomach tends to stretch. A wrist splint can come in handy to resolve numbness in the hand. In addition, these little annoyances are supposed to disappear at the time of delivery.

pinched nerve

A pinched nerve
Pressure on the nerves that run along the legs can be the result of a herniated disc or bulging disc in the spine, which causes numbness or tingling in the feet. As for the hands, you could feel that you lose the sensations of these. In this case, the doctor could diagnose what is called carpal tunnel syndrome.

The most common solutions require resting, using a splint or undergoing physical therapy. Surgical intervention is possible in some cases.

autoimmune disease

An autoimmune disease
Following an autoimmune disease, the immune system can attack certain areas of the body and this can include nerves. Recent infections may also be the cause of these conditions. A family history check may be done to locate the problem before following proper treatment.

Vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency
Improper nutrition and a lack of vitamins B or E can compromise areas of your body and nerves. It would then be convenient to have a blood test. Depending on the need for vitamins, the establishment of a balanced diet will be proposed by the attending physician.


Here, numbness can be the result of taking certain medications. This may be due to treatments for cancer, AIDS, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, or certain infections that cause nervous problems. In this case, consult your doctor so that he can decide if there should be a change in the dosage, unless he changes treatment.


An infection
If the numbness is accompanied by increased pain, it is possible that it is due to many viral or bacterial infections that affect your nerves. Among them, HIV, shingles, Lyme disease, hepatitis B and C, western null, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr. Your attending physician may have these symptoms eliminated.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure
Your feet or hands may tingle due to a malfunction of the kidneys. In addition, diabetes and high blood pressure remain the most common causes of kidney failure.

genetic disorder

A genetic disorder
Genetic disorders such as Charcot-Marie-Touth disease and hereditary neuropathy responsible for pressure paralysis (HNPP) cause numbness. The first causes exhaustion of the muscles and the second is more likely to create numbness accompanied by a feeling of weakness in the arms and legs.


A tumor
Numbness can manifest itself after the diagnosis of a tumor around the nerve, whether malignant or benign. If the tumor is shrunk by treatment, symptoms can be eliminated.

A thyroid problem

A thyroid problem
If a severe hypothyroidism is not treated in time, apart from numbness, it can lead to pain and burning. To reduce the symptoms, exercise, maintain a healthy body weight and take appropriate treatment.

Excessive drinking

Excessive drinking
Your body may have vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies. As a result, the functioning of your nerves is compromised and leads to a loss of sensation in the feet and hands. It would then be good to greatly reduce the dose of alcohol consumed, or even stop any alcoholic drink.