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10 Signs That You Have A Calcium Deficiency

10 Signs That You Have A Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is a mineral salt that is important for the health of bones and teeth. Here are the 10 signs that indicate that our body is deficient of this mineral It is also useful for preventing high blood pressure, reducing muscle cramps, boosting blood circulation and fighting many other ailments. A calcium deficiency can lead to certain health problems. Healthline informs us about this.

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is the most abundant mineral salt in the body and is essential at any age; 99% of calcium intake is stored in bones and teeth. Children with calcium deficiency may not reach their full height at an older age. Seniors who lack this mineral may suffer from osteoporosis.

What are the causes of calcium deficiency?

With advancing age, many are at risk of hypocalcemia. The factors for this deficiency are numerous and we can cite among others:

- A lack of calcium intake from childhood
- Taking certain medications that may reduce calcium absorption
- Intolerance to certain foods containing calcium
- Hormonal change in women
- The genetic factor

Symptoms of a lack of calcium in the body

In the short term, a calcium deficiency may not produce symptoms but in the long term it can have harmful consequences on the body. Symptoms of hypocalcemia can manifest as follows:

- Easier bone fracture
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle cramps
- Depression
- Hallucination
- Confusion or loss of memory
- Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet and even the face
- Fragility of the nails
- Slow hair growth
- Fragility of the skin

As a result, calcium deficiency can affect all parts of the body affecting the nails, hair and the skin. As well as it can cause neurological symptoms ranging from memory loss to convulsions and spasms.

What foods are high in calcium?

It is well known that the richness in calcium is found in dairy products. But we must not forget the fresh and dried fruits and vegetables which are also recommended in daily nutrition. An adult needing about 1000 mg of calcium per day should therefore prefer foods rich in this mineral so as not to miss it. We count as follows:

- Cheese, in particular Gruyère, Emmental or even Parmesan which would contain 1000 mg of calcium per 100 g.

- Dry thyme, which you should try to integrate most often into your daily diet since for 100 g of thyme we will have 1260 mg of calcium.

- Cinnamon, cumin, pepper or parsley are not left out and are also rich in calcium. So don't forget to eat them.

- Sardines are known to be an excellent source of calcium. In addition to being rich in omega 3, selenium, phosphorus and vitamin D, a can of sardines would contain 400 mg of calcium per 100 g.

- Tofu from the curdling of soy milk is also rich in this mineral since 100 g of tofu would contain 350 mg of calcium.

- Dairy products, especially those from goats are mainly rich in calcium. Goat milk is said to contain 126 mg of calcium per 100 g.

- Almonds, in addition to containing vegetable proteins, soluble fibers, monounsaturated fatty acids, are full of calcium and are said to contain 250 mg of calcium per 100 g.

- Spinach, this favorite iron-rich Popeye vegetable, is also calcium-rich. For 100 g, it would contain 168 mg of calcium.

- Mineral water called "calcium" would have an average calcium content of 150mg / l.

- Fresh fruit which, in addition to being rich in vitamins, is full of calcium and we are of course talking about kiwi, orange, apricot, clementine or blackberry.