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Stress Can Manifest In Your Body In 10 Different Ways

Stress Can Manifest In Your Body In 10 Different Ways

Assessed as the "evil of the century", stress can affect anyone in a world where the quest for profit trumps that of well-being. Many people experience anxiety-provoking situations on a daily basis, due to their personal, social and professional obligations and the hazards that accompany them. If the perception of events plays an irrefutable role on the psychic mechanisms of an individual, chronic stress can weaken the body and give rise to 10 warning signs.

Stress Can Manifest In Your Body In 10 Different Ways

Faced with a stimulus deemed oppressive, shocking or aggressive, the body reacts through different mechanisms. First, the adrenal glands start by secreting adrenaline and other hormones to adapt to the situation. The person will then be confronted with a legitimate question “fight or flee”.

After a few moments, if the stimulus persists, cholesterol, blood sugar and blood lipids will rise. Your body will release endorphins, cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin to take action.

In some cases, stress can be positive since it stimulates performance and pushes people to react. Thus, the hormones rebalance after the action and a feeling of calm sets in. But when stress persists or becomes chronic, hormonal disturbances can cause various symptoms that should be spotted:

1- Sleep disturbances
There is a direct link between stress and lack of sleep. By dint of rehashing problems and ruminating at night, falling asleep and waking up at night can affect sleep quality. However, when you multiply short nights and the body does not get adequate rest, a decrease in alertness and mood disorders can appear during the day.

2- Acne pimples
Stress can also hurt your skin and cause an acne breakout. While acne is generally associated with excessive production of sebum, a study shows that psychological stress can cause these unsightly pimples regardless of the action of the sebaceous glands.

3- Hair loss
Excessive stress also attacks your hair health. According to scientists, it can cause the release of cytokines, pro-inflammatory cells that can cause hair loss.

4- Chronic headaches
Some people suffer from chronic and unexplained migraines. To calm their headaches, they tend to throw themselves on their medication kit without trying to understand the reason for this symptom. In reality, stress and anxiety can cause recurring and persistent headaches.

5- Unexplained fatigue
Stress weakens the body and often subjects it to fatigue that sets in over time, says the French Federation of Cardiology. Indeed, the release of hormones linked to stress can generate a high energy expenditure which can end up exhausting the organism.

6- Localized pains in different parts of the body
Do you have back, leg or stomach aches for no apparent reason? Try to remember the situations that preceded these symptoms and identify the emotions to which you were subjected during these events. According to a scientific study, stress can lead to a secretion of cortisol and adrenaline which can cause hippocampal dysfunction. Thus, pain can appear in different areas of the body.

7- Frequent infections and diseases
People subject to intense or prolonged stress are vulnerable to illnesses and infections. Researchers explain that anxiety-provoking situations can weaken immune defenses. As a result, bacteria and viruses can enter the body more easily.

8- Digestive problems
Several experts refer to the gut as our second brain. The idea that emotions can influence bowel movement is now accepted by the scientific community, and research has found that children exposed to stress can experience abdominal pain and constipation.

9- A drop in libido
When someone is experiencing repetitive stress, they may find it difficult to feel desire and surrender to the joys of the flesh. According to scientists, hormonal and psychological disorders correlated with high stress levels affect libido.

10- Eating disorders
Anxiety can disrupt feelings of hunger and satiety and cause eating disorders. Many people eat excessively and compulsively. This behavior can reveal considerable stress and cause overweight in the long term.