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How Stress Symptoms Look Like When Your Body Is Exhausted

How Stress Symptoms Look Like When Your Body Is Exhausted

Stress has been identified as a risk factor for several diseases. Here are the symptoms that show that you are far too stressed every day. Often called the “evil of the century”, it affects more and more people around the world. In a world where the quest for happiness is assimilated to financial prosperity, harmonious relationships and an impeccable physique, many people drown in anxiety-provoking thoughts. Unfortunately, chronic stress can be bad for your health in the long run. If you tend to be overly stressed on a daily basis, your body will alert you through specific symptoms that you need to know how to identify.

How Stress Symptoms Look Like When Your Body Is Exhausted

When a person is faced with a perceived aggressive stimulus, the body can respond by producing different mechanisms. The adrenal glands secrete adrenaline and other hormones to cope. Then, a legitimate unconscious question will arise “fight or flee” this potential danger. In this sense, it is often considered that there is a "positive" stress, which incites to redouble efforts in order to reach its objectives, and a "negative" stress, which can generate blockage and negative thoughts.

Symptoms of stress

According to a survey carried out by OpinionWay, the French are increasingly confronted with stress. Here are the signs that a person is under chronic stress:

1- Sleep disorder
Many individuals are affected by sleep disorders. In reality, stress can cause parasitic thoughts, encourage people to rehearse past events and anticipate anxiety-provoking situations. Often, stressed people find it difficult to fall asleep and wake up several times during the night. According to a study, stress generates hyperactivity which inevitably leads to sleep disorders.

2- Acne pimples
If you are concerned about your beauty capital, you are aware that your skin can be severely tested in the event of recurrent stress. Generally, acne pimples appear when the skin produces an excessive amount of sebum. Yet scientists say stress can cause acne pimples unrelated to the production mechanism of the sebaceous glands.

3- Hair loss
Hair health is closely correlated with overall health. Thus, an excess of stress can trigger a release of cytokines, pro-inflammatory cells. According to a scientific experiment, the secretion of these cells is likely to result in hair loss.

4- Headache
Some people are prone to chronic and unexplained migraines. Instead of jumping on their medication bag, looking for the source of these headaches can be beneficial. Indeed, scientists have discovered that repetitive stress can lead to headaches.

5- Fatigue
When you wake up, you feel tired. After the least effort, you feel your body weakening. What if you were simply stressed out? According to the French Federation of Cardiology, stress and anxiety can involve high energy expenditure which leads to physical exhaustion.

6- Pains in different parts of the body
Are you experiencing joint or muscle pain? Do you ever have stomach pain or back pain for no underlying reason? Scientific research has shown that the release of cortisol and adrenaline caused by stress can cause hippocampal dysfunction. As a result, unexplained pain can develop over time.

7- Vulnerability to disease
Severe or prolonged stress can damage a person's immune system, finds a study published in the medical journal PubMed. Stressed individuals then become vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, and can contract various diseases.

8- Digestive disorders
Knowing that the gut is our "second brain", stress can cause bloating, constipation or persistent digestive discomfort. According to a scientific experiment, children who are exposed to stress are able to experience abdominal pain and suffer from chronic constipation.

9- A drop in libido
To surrender to the pleasures of the flesh, you still need to be able to relax and enjoy this moment of escape. Unfortunately, there is an unshakeable correlation between too much stress and libido disorders. The psychological impact of negative thoughts can affect a couple's intmate well-being.

10- Eating disorders
Many people succumb to sweet or fatty dishes to benefit from a psychological appeasement. As a scientific study shows, stress and anxiety can lead to overweight in the long run. In reality, negative emotions lead to a dysfunction of feelings of hunger and satiety, and can lead to overconsumption of food.

11- Depression
If the stress persists and becomes chronic, it can lead to depression over time. Indeed, the recurrence of negative thoughts has obvious repercussions on morale and can favor the occurrence of this mental disorder, indicate the researchers.