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6 Causes Of Water Retention And How To Get Rid Of It

6 Causes Of Water Retention And How To Get Rid Of It

6 Causes Of Water Retention

Water retention, also known as edema, is the accumulation of fluids in tissues and cavities as well as in the circulatory system. This can cause swelling of the feet, hands, ankles and legs, here are 6 main causes of water retention and how to fix it.

Although most causes of edema are not life threatening, it can be a symptom of kidney disease or heart failure. However, if there are no underlying conditions, there is a way to avoid water retention and reduce swelling.

Causes of edema

Many diseases and conditions can cause edema, in this article we will detail the causes related to eating habits.

1. Excessive intake of sodium

Having a diet high in salt and not consuming enough water can cause your body to use its reserves, which leads to water retention. Water makes the cells grow up to 20 times. It is important to know that salt is not the only product that contains sodium, it can also be found in processed foods such as processed meat and some condiments as well as canned vegetables and preparations.

2. Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can lead to water retention. Magnesium is an essential mineral for almost any function in the body, so if your body is deficient in magnesium, it can hinder its proper functioning, which will eventually result in water retention.

One study has shown that taking 200 mg of magnesium a day can reduce edema in women with premenstrual symptoms. Eating magnesium-rich foods or taking a magnesium supplement can relieve edema.Magnesium-rich foods: spinach, dark chocolate, dried fruit, yoghurt, dark green vegetables, avocado and nuts.

3. Vitamin B6 deficiency

Vitamin B6 controls many aspects of the water balance in the body, so if your body is deficient in this vitamin, it can result in edema.

The Journal of Caring Sciences published a study that showed that women who had edema caused by PMS, were able to improve their condition by taking vitamin B6.

Foods rich in vitamin B6 are chicken, potatoes with skin, pistachios, lean beef, tuna, turkey, bananas, dried fruits and sunflower seeds.

4. Potassium deficiency

Potassium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of cells, organs and tissues of the body. It is very important to maintain the normal balance of water in the body.

Consuming a lot of salt and not eating foods high in potassium can reduce potassium levels, and lead to water retention. Potassium deficiency can cause cramps, muscle spasms, and weight gain. This mineral has the ability to reduce sodium levels, reducing water retention.

Potassium is found in honey and most fruits, but watermelon and watermelon are the richest in potassium.

5. Dehydration

Not consuming enough water can lead to dehydration that will bring the body into its survival mode and retain water. You can improve this condition by regular consumption of water and potassium-rich juices. You should know that coffee and soda drinks can dehydrate cells even more!

6. Excessive consumption of processed foods

In addition to being high in sodium and sugar, processed foods can also contain artificial food additives that act as toxins and exert a load on the liver and kidneys. Foods high in sugar, especially artificial sweeteners, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Here are some beneficial herbs to reduce edema

Both of these plants are extremely beneficial in reducing water retention because of their powerful properties to increase urinary secretion:

Parsley: add a few teaspoons of dried parsley to a cup of water, bring to a boil, then let infuse for 10 minutes. To consume 3 times a day. Because of its high vitamin K, the use of parsley as a remedy in people on anticoagulant therapy should be done after the favorable opinion of a specialist.

Nettle root: 1 teaspoon of nettle root boiled in a cup of water, let infuse 10 minutes and then drink several times a day. This plant is to be avoided in case of heart or kidney failure. It should also not be taken with diuretic and antihypertensive drugs.

It is important to know that eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and drinking enough water during the day can help you get rid of edema.