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What Your Acne Reveals About Your Health

What Your Acne Reveals About Your Health


Many people suffer from pimples and acne, particularly during adolescence. But this skin problem can also affect adults over 25 years and older.
Acne, what is it?
Acne results from an irregular functioning of the sebaceous glands which produce excessive amount of sebum blocking the pores of the skin and contribute to the development of bacteria and germs on the skin. These bacteria trigger an inflammatory response increasing the risk of acne and pimples.
The main causes of acne
Acne can occur due to many causes. Generally, this skin problem is due to poor diet, lack of sport, hormonal disorders, a naturally oily skin, dehydration or stress.
The appearance of redness, pimples and acne is not just a cosmetic problem ... This may indicate a more serious health problem. The affected area on your body can even specify different causes. Thus, the placement of each button can reveals many things about your health ...
1. The chin and jaw
Usually, acne appears on the chin and / or jaw due to stress, hormonal disorders and pregnancy. The appearance of pimples on the chin and jaw is also very common in women who are in their menstrual period or ovulation, and during menopause. Second, certain hormones, such as testosterone, may alter the menstrual cycle and push the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, which clogs pores and causes pimples.
A major push of acne on the chin and jaw can indicate hormonal imbalance in the body, an irregular cycle or be related to excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle.
What to do ?
- Have a enough hours of sleep, eat sufficient amount of water (at least 1.5 liters per day) and a healthy diet (vegetables, fruits, natural products ...).
- Control your stress by taking a soothing exercise, like yoga or meditation.
2. The scalp and forehead
This type of acne is usually due to the use of certain cosmetics or digestive problems, and can indicate a digestive imbalance related to high consumption of junk food. Inadequate contraception and smoking may also be related to the buttons on the front.
As for the pimples on your scalp, they may appear because you often wash your hair, which causes an overproduction of sebum that clogs pores. On the other hand, stress, sweat (hat, cap ...), hormonal disorders and other possible causes pimples on the scalp.
What to do ?
- Reduce your intake of fatty foods, processed and unhealthy and hydrate yourself enough.
- Remember to avoid the use of cosmetic products to prevent pimples on the face. Let your skin breathe!
3. Cheeks
If you have pimples on the cheeks or on the area near the ears, the most common causes are your hands and your phone! Your phone is one of the most infested with bacteria objects. When you call, dirt and bacteria enter the pores and pimples appear.
The appearance of pimples at the top of your cheeks may also be related to respiratory problems.
What to do ?
- If you often talk on the phone, try to clean and disinfect your hands regularly.
- Remember to stop smoking, and visit a doctor if you suffer from allergies or respiratory problems.
- Eat a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables ...), preferably cold dishes, and avoid sugar, meat and dairy products.
4. The T-zone
The skin located on the nose and above the eyebrows reacts quickly due to any major lifestyle changes . For example, if you go through a period of intense stress or change your eating habits, pimples can quickly appear on this part of the face ...
The pimples on the T-zone may also indicate liver problems, allergies or food intolerances.
What to do ?
- Avoid foods that cause pimples such as alcohol and dairy products.
- Use natural products for your face, ideally against acne and oily skin.
- You can also try to meditate to relieve stress and drinking tea.
5. chest, collarbone and back
If you have pimples on the chest, collarbone and back, this is probably due to perspiration. The pimples spread to the chest and back if you exercise daily, either in the gym or at home. You are then more likely to keep the sweat on the skin, especially if you wear the wrong clothes.
What to do ?
- Always wear cotton clothing to allow your skin to breathe.
6. The area around the mouth
"You are what you eat", this saying is  very ideal to explain the cause of pimples around the mouth! The alcohol and a diet that contains excessive amounts of fats and sugar can increase the risk of developing acne around the mouth.
The bumps on this growing area following skin contact with unhealthy food (too sweet or too greasy), which can clog pores around the lips. They are also related to poor absorption of fatty foods.
What to do ?
- Whenever you eat fatty or sugary foods, you should wash and wipe your mouth thoroughly. Otherwise, avoid them completely!
7. The temples
The pimples on the temples are closely related to regular hair washing or dehydration which may clog the sebaceous glands and pores and cause pimples.
What to do ?
-  More consumption of water (at least 1.5 L per day).
8. At the eyebrows and around the eyebrows
If you have pimple in and around the eyebrows, you probably have ingrown hair caused by waxing or clip. The pimple on the eyebrows can also be the result of overeating late at night, or disorders of your adrenal glands due to stress.
What to do ?
- You can use warm compresses to treat ingrown hairs, and make sure your clips are disinfected before each use.