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With SmartyPig Reach Your Savings Goals

With SmartyPig Reach Your Savings Goals


When I was down in Kansas City  for presentation at Highlight Midwest where entrepreneurs of Midwest represented their startups. I notice on 3rd screen a SmartyPIG! At Highlight Midwest I was not able to listen to the whole introduction. Just recently I met representative from SmartyPig and we had more chance to talk about it.
Maybe Silicon Valley bloggers have more opportunities to announce startups since that is their territory, but I never really read or heard of startup that will actually help you financially!
SmartyPig started right here in Des Moines Iowa with hope to help college students and others reach their saving’s goals. Its free and easy!
I will not give you the full review about SmartyPig because I want you to explore features for your self!
You set account, goal and start saving money. My favorite feature is that your parents , friends and online community can chip-in few bucks so you can reach your dream goal.