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How To Gain Weight Naturally!

How To Gain Weight Naturally!

How To Gain Weight Naturally

While many people suffer from obesity or overweight and seek to get rid of those extra pounds, others are underweight and are looking for a solution to this thinness that can be difficult to live on a daily basis. Let's take a closer look at the causes of this condition and the natural tricks to correct it and promote weight gain.

Some people prefer to be fine rather than round, but when it comes to a stage where they are underweight, their health is threatened.

Why is it so hard to gain weight?

In the same way that weight gain is regulated by appetite, the quantity and quality of our meals as well as our way of life, several factors also intervene in the inability of some people to grow:


Our genetic make-up determines the functioning of our organism. Some people naturally have a small appetite or a rapid secretion of the satiety hormone that prevents them from consuming large amounts of food. They can also have a too active metabolism that burns calories faster.

The muscular structure

The muscles need energy to function, and this comes from the calories consumed. When a person has a muscle more rich in fiber, it needs a greater amount of energy, even at rest, which causes the body to burn more calories. And that says energy expenditure says no to weight gain!

The quality of nutrient absorption

This factor plays an important role in our ability, or not, to gain weight. When our digestive system does not function properly or when our transit is too fast, much of the nutrients consumed are not absorbed, which in turn reduces caloric intake.

The lifestyle

A stressful and too fast lifestyle puts the body in alert mode and increases its agitation, which translates into a great energy expenditure. So if the person also suffers from a lack of appetite or too fast metabolism, she will tend to lose weight more easily.

Some diseases

Sometimes the reason an individual fails to gain weight comes from his or her state of health. Diseases such as hyperthyroidism, depression, bulimia nervosa or anorexia may be responsible for its leanness.

To remedy this problem and allow people underweight-weight to take a healthy pound and enjoy a better appetite, here are some natural tricks to try!
Plants that can help gain weight:


Dandelion is a plant with multiple therapeutic virtues. Under its bitter taste, this ingredient helps to stimulate the production of bile, which facilitates digestion. Dandelion is also an excellent diuretic and depurative, that is, it cleans the body, and can also stimulate the liver.

But this plant and especially prized for its capacity to stimulate the appetite. Indeed, dandelion has a tonic effect to treat inappetence.

To enjoy its benefits, consume this plant infusion, three times a day, taking care to take a cup on rising. Plunge 4 dandelion flowers into a cup of hot water and let stand for a few minutes before drinking.

Make a cure of 3 weeks, to be renewed two or three times a year.

Attention, in case of gallstone problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking dandelion. It is also not recommended to pregnant or nursing women, and people who suffer from kidney or heart disease, to consume this plant.


Fenugreek is usually used as a spice for raising dishes, but this ingredient has many other medicinal properties. In addition to being rich in nutrients, fenugreek helps relieve gastrointestinal problems, improve digestion, regulate glucose levels and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Moreover, thanks to its apéritif power, this ingredient helps to stimulate the appetite and thus to gain weight in a healthy way.

It is possible to consume fenugreek in different ways: capsules, tablets or seeds. But the most used method is to infuse fenugreek seeds in hot water. Eat a cup in the morning on waking and in the afternoon. For this trick to work, it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

The gentian

Used since antiquity for its many therapeutic virtues, gentian is a true cocktail of benefits. This plant is very effective against gastritis, colic, nausea and vomiting. It also acts on the liver by decongesting it and can stimulate the gall bladder.

In addition, gentian can be used to gain weight. This plant helps to open the appetite and promotes better absorption of nutrients. These will be better assimilated by the body, which will therefore increase the number of calories brought to the body.

Prepare gentian infusions, to be drunk before each meal.

Caution, gentian is not recommended for people with stomach ulcer, esophageal cancer or stomach, and hypertension. It is also not recommended for pregnant or nursing women and children.