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Bad Breath, Explained: What Causes It And How You Can Treat It

Bad Breath, Explained: What Causes It And How You Can Treat It

Your Bad Breath

Surely it has a foul and disagreeable smell that emanates from his mouth. It is often believed that this is simply due to very poor oral hygiene and an inappropriate way to brush teeth or even stomach problems and gastric juice referrals. Nevertheless, many people know that bad breath could be due to the presence of stones in their tonsils.

Calculation of tonsils or casein

This mass of calcified matter forms in the crevices of the tonsils and manifests itself in the form of small white balls. The latter appears in the palatal tonsils or in the lingual tonsils. These stones are due to the accumulation of calcium, but can also contain other minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium, even ammonia and carbonate. The causes are various, the most recurrent being a poor diet, certain diseases etc.

The oral cavity is warm, dark and damp. These conditions, which are essential to the proliferation of bacteria, make it a paradise for these microscopic beings, often due to poor oral hygiene and the pile of food remains.

The stones in the tonsils give the mouth an intolerable odor similar to that of sulfur. To get rid of them, you have to wait for them to dissolve naturally or to have you operated.

How to naturally treat casein?

Make a gargle with hot water and salt to dislodge the stones and release your throat. Indeed, salt is an antiseptic that disinfects the walls and cleanses them. You can replace it with pepper or turmeric, both with the same antibacterial properties. You can also massage your throat by pressing and coughing to evacuate the stones

How to have a good breath?

Whether it is due to poor hygiene, gastric problems or stones of the tonsils, bad breath is socially hard to live. It causes embarrassment both in the person who suffers and in his entourage. You can however follow this list of tips to get rid of it.
Drinking water to keep the oral mucosa hydrated because remembering a dry mouth is synonymous with bad breath. Reduce or avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, coffee etc.

Brush your teeth and tongue up three times a day with a good toothpaste. Do not hesitate to use dental floss and make mouthwashes. Prepare your own mouthwash by infusing a herb of your choice in 100ml of boiling water for about ten minutes. Let cool and then make gargles 2 or 3 times a day. Here are the plants you could use:

The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) recommends the use of thyme as it reduces plaque, and immunizes you against caries and gingivitis (one of the possible reasons for bad breath).

Cinnamon is a spice rich in antioxidants very useful for treating bad breath. Get this bark to suck and you'll say goodbye to a mouth that smells bad.
Parsley is also excellent for cleansing the mouth and perfuming it with its chlorophyll content. You can infuse it or just chew it.

Think also about cloves, a grandmother's trick used since the dawn of time, to relieve toothache and perfume the mouth. Just like cinnamon, the clove is a powerful antiseptic that will overcome the bacteria infiltrated in your mouth.