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Here Is How To Lose Weight According To Nutritionists

Here Is How To Lose Weight According To Nutritionists

Lose Weight According To Nutritionists

Weight loss is often seen as a challenge to overcome that tends to intimidate or even discourage. After all, if losing weight was so simple no one would care and everyone would play yoyo constantly. It is useless to impose binding rules and suffer months of deprivation to lose pounds, the secret is to make certain changes to benefit from visible results in the long term.

By adopting the right gestures in a sustainable manner and setting yourself a goal to achieve gradually, you will be able to lose weight effectively without putting your health at risk. Nutrition specialists and medical doctors advise to make certain changes in everyday life, here is a non-exhaustive list.

Prepare your meals of the week in advance

To lose weight, it is advisable to eat homemade dishes and avoid at all costs industrial food. However, it is not always easy to simmer good food on weekdays when returning from work or classes, so you must organize yourself! Do your shopping on Saturdays and do not skimp on fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry, and on Sunday cook in the kitchen to cook all your meals of the week. This is the best way to ensure healthy eating from Monday to Friday.

Get moving!

Weight loss is accompanied by physical activity, but if you spend the day at the office in front of your computer it is not easy to give you daily exercise sessions. Set the alarm on your phone every hour and as soon as it sounds get up to walk a bit in the premises before coming back to your place. Complete this routine by taking the stairs and walking at least 30 minutes back in the evening.

Rest in the restaurant

If you can not escape an invitation to the restaurant that is likely to disrupt your home food routine, do not panic we have the solution. Order a light dish such as chicken or grilled fish and steamed vegetables (raclette and fries are of course to be avoided). This simple measurement is a surefire way to decrease the number of calories ingested and lose weight.

Eat healthy

To make you feel full, nothing is better than foods rich in fiber and water, which is why all your meals of the day must contain at least one fruit or one vegetable. If you plan to make an omelet, do not hesitate to add spinach, mushrooms and diced tomatoes; For a club sandwich, arrange the slices of cucumber or pepper and accompany it with chips (in the oven) of beetroot or zucchini; Finally, enhance the taste of your salads by decorating them with citrus for a note of acidulous freshness.

Nibble before eating out

If you plan to dine at the restaurant, the best way to not throw yourself on the food when you arrive is to prepare a snack before going out. Eat a goat's milk yogurt mixed with a handful of almonds or a small salad of corn salad to curb your cravings. The fact of sitting down with the belly half full will help you to resist the basket of bread while waiting for your order.

Drink water before each meal

If your body is dehydrated, it happens to confuse hunger and thirst and send you bad signals. You may ingest calories unnecessarily to satisfy a biased envy while it may be enough to simply drink water. It is advisable to drink up to two liters of water a day, including a large glass before each meal. Water has an appetite suppressant effect that fills the stomach and reduces appetite, which promotes weight loss.

Favor white meat

As part of a healthy and balanced diet, it is advisable to avoid red meat and to consume white meat (chicken, turkey and veal) rich in protein, iron and low in fat. In addition to being good for your health, it is less caloric, 100 g of chicken white contain 130 calories and a 115 calorie escalope of turkey, compared to 250 calories per 100 g of beef.

Add vegetables to your smoothies

For those who are not big fans of some green vegetables like spinach or celery, adding them to your smoothies is the best way to consume them. Strong in color, the green vegetables are not in taste in the liquid state. Do not hesitate to add cucumber, broccoli and carrots to your juices. For a creamy consistency, you can also add almond milk.