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7 Reasons To Get Started An In-House Jewelry Business

7 Reasons To Get Started An In-House Jewelry Business

Reasons To Get Started An In-Home Jewelry Business
 Get Started An In-Home Jewelry Business 

The in house sale has existed for a very long time. Indeed, it has been several generations that we know, for example, the famous Tupperware meetings. However, while this activity remained relatively isolated and was reserved for a short time to the bored "housewives", it has experienced a real boom in recent years, has become democratized, developed and diversified. What has taken a long time to see is the real and important financial opportunity that hid behind these small, innocent meetings. Nowadays, there are all kinds of products in the home market, from the packet of coffee to candles, clothing and cosmetics, not to mention jewelery. While this activity was informally reserved for a certain part of the population as I mentioned earlier, now everyone is getting on with it, and more and more people have adopted it as their main activity, and To earn their living through In House Sale. The activity is also increasingly well framed, notably with the creation a few years ago of the Federation of Direct Sale. It is not too late, quite the contrary, to catch the train on the move! Here are 7 reasons to start an in-house jewelry business , and more specifically selling jewelry.

Reason # 1: Be Independent

This is the first good reason to go into the in-home sale of jewelry, because it has the largest number of benefits. This activity is practiced as a self-employed person, with all the advantages that this entails. Thus, you can choose the number of hours you want to devote to it (knowing that your income will depend on it), schedules (working in the evening or in the morning for example), and sometimes even the amount of earnings you want. Of course, you have to have some discipline, but you can also spend more time on your personal life. In addition, the independent in-house sale activity, or VDI, is done in the form of a simplified declaration with the tax services. You can either adopt VDI status directly or opt for a self-employed declaration. These two statutes are the least restrictive, both in terms of administrative declarations and accrued liabilities. Some companies even undertake to carry out the formalities and payments on your behalf, so that your income is net (only for VDI status). The sale of jewelry in the home makes it possible to practice a profession with few constraints, leaving you a lot of freedom, and allowing you to earn not a salary, but a turnover, in other words, limitless!

Reason # 2: A Booming Business

Independent in-house seller, also called Network Marketing (MLM) has been booming for a few years. Its growing success with the sellers but above all the customers makes sure that you will also be very successful in launching you in the adventure. As far as the sale part is concerned, a very powerful tool is used, unintentionally what is more: word of mouth. Most sellers start by making meetings at the homes of their friends, who then talk to their friends etc. Word of mouth can then quickly turn into a snowball effect, and you will soon have no more place in your agenda!

Reason # 3: A safe bet

Sell products at home, okay, but why specifically jewelry? For several reasons, of course. Overall, jewelry is what is called a safe value. It is a product that is bought by pleasure and not by necessity, which makes sales paradoxically easier, because your customers' decision-making process will be based on the emotional. Moreover, we buy jewelry for many different reasons: to have fun, for a birthday gift, or even for a request in marriage! As a result, jewelry will be of interest to both men and women, which will broaden your potential customers, also knowing that, unlike a few years ago, jewelery offered for direct sale is for women, men, or mixed. The margins that one can earn on the sale of jewelry are often higher than those practiced in sales of other products, so you will also potentially earn more money. Jewelery is therefore still the most appropriate product choice to start this type of activity.

Reason # 4: Double your income

In network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, pay is not just on sales in meetings. You also earn commissions based on the referrals you make, in other words the new sellers you will be able to recruit. Be careful, you do not get a commission on the sales of your downline, as this would be illegal (assimilated to a pyramid scheme). In multi-level marketing, commissions are paid directly to you by the parent company, but are calculated on the total turnover of all your referrals. So the more godchildren you have, the better! Some people do not make any sales meeting and focus solely on recruiting new sellers, or new recruiters. This makes it possible, on the one hand, to earn more money through double remuneration, and on the other hand to be able to diversify its activity.

Reason # 5: A rewarding job

In the world of work, employees who are really paid "at their true value" are rare. Between those who are underpaid and those who are more highly placed, who receive wages that are sometimes indecent compared to the work provided, injustices are legion. In the independent in-home seller business, it's just the opposite. You are paid according to the work you provide, the time you spend on your activity, etc. Better still, the sponsorship system allows a longer-term reward, or even passive income in some cases, that allows you to focus more on the quality of your work and not on its quantity. Overall, the more successful you both in sales meetings and in your ability to sponsor, the more money you will earn. It is therefore a very rewarding job, where you are rewarded for your skills but also for your qualities and your professionalism!

Reason # 6: A friendly atmosphere

It does not look like anything, but the atmosphere in general work is half of your success. Working in a business with a bad atmosphere, an oppressive hierarchy and aggressive colleagues because of stress, will automatically contaminate you even if you have a mind of steel. In the world of in house sales and network marketing, this does not exist, and for a very simple reason: there is no competition! The system is made in such a way that you are not competing with other sellers. Better yet, it's in their interest to help you progress through the sponsorship system. Your sponsor has every interest to help you because the commissions are calculated in part on your turnover, it will gain nothing to let you fail! Similarly, you will gladly help your referrals to make the most sales possible. It is therefore a system based on solidarity between sellers, and even if this solidarity is largely motivated by the lure of profit, it remains healthy and benevolent. On the other side, there are meetings, which are always a friendly moment, among friends, around a good coffee for example, and whose atmosphere has absolutely nothing to do with what one can meet In a sale in a classical trade.

Reason # 7: A permanent renewal

The in house sale of jewelry is an area where one never gets bored because it is constantly changing. On the one hand, there is the regular renewal of the collections, as for all products related to the field of fashion. On the other hand, you meet new people every day, during your meetings and / or your recruitments. If you do not like monotony, then this is another reason to get involved in this activity.

The sale of jewelry at home has only advantages, as even possible constraints, such as administrative declarations for example, have been simplified. This activity has only qualities: it is rewarding, lucrative, user-friendly, diversified, and allows you to freely manage your schedule, and more generally your activity. By selling at home, you can more easily reconcile your working and family life, adapt your schedules according to your private requirements (such as fetching children at school), and so on. In addition, jewelry is a product that, like gold, is a sure value that will always be a great success.