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A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Warns You With These 5 Signs!

A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Warns You With These 5 Signs!

 Heart Attack, Your Body Warns You With These 5 Signs!

If you feel constantly tired and have noticed a difficult and uncomfortable breathing or shortness of breath, these symptoms may well be signs of a heart attack. Being aware of the signs and risk factors can help you assess your health and increase your chances of survival. Here is a list of warning signs of a heart attack.

According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, Cardiovascular disease kills about 4 million people a year in Europe, accounting for more than half of the deaths observed. In the United States, heart attacks are the leading cause of death, killing more than 375,000 Americans per year.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack or infarction in medical terms, is a health accident due to a stoppage of blood circulation in the arteries of the heart. Because of the blockage of the coronary arteries, the heart muscle no longer receives enough blood, and part of the cells is deprived of oxygen and dies. To function, the heart must be provided with oxygen that arrives through these coronary arteries. But when they are blocked, especially because of a blood clot or a cumulative fat in the walls, the arteries harden and prevent the oxygen supply to the heart and eventually lead to the death of muscle cells of the heart .

What are the 5 warning signs of a heart attack?

1 - Physical weakness:
A feeling of physical weakness can also be a precursor to a heart attack. This sensation indicates that the arteries contract and shrink, which leads to a slowing of the blood circulation and a weakening of the muscles.

2 - Dizziness and cold sweats:

When we feel dizzy, we usually associate it with fatigue. But when it is accompanied by nausea, migraines or cold sweats this can be a sign of serious illness. Because of poor blood circulation, the brain does not receive the amount of oxygen needed to function properly. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

3 - Pressure at the chest:

Pains or pressure in the chest or middle of the chest are signs of a heart attack. These pains can increase sharply and spread to the throat, jaws, shoulder and left arm. These pains are associated with an insufficiency or a stoppage of the blood circulation towards an organ.

4 - Flu and Cold Symptoms:

This is one of the most complex signs but the most difficult to detect. Flu or colds may be the result of a weak immune system. This sign should be taken into consideration especially if it is associated with one or more of the preceding symptoms and if it does not disappear very quickly.

5 - Fatigue:

After physical exertion or lack of sleep, fatigue may appear normal. But when it happens without reason, it can be the result of a decrease in blood flow to the heart. If this fatigue is accompanied by an inexplicable insomnia, it is important to consult a doctor.

6 - Shortness of breath:

If after the slightest effort, you feel a shortness of breath that gets worse, this can be a sign of a heart problem. Poor blood circulation can also lead to a change in lung function. When they do not get enough oxygen, they can not inhale the amount of air needed. Consult with other symptoms, such as chest pain or swelling of the legs.

What factors increase the risk of a heart attack?

Some factors are related to a pathological, psychological or lifestyle state. Here are some risk factors that need to be considered:
  • High blood pressure
  • Food (fast food and processed food)
  • Smoking
  • Overweight and Obesity
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • Diabetes
  • Physical inactivity and lack of physical exercise
  • Psycho-social disorders (stress and depression)
  • A history of heart attack