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Warning: You Have Never Thought That This Drink Is Destroying Your Thyroid Gland And Much More

Warning: You Have Never Thought That This Drink Is Destroying Your Thyroid Gland And Much More

Drink Is Destroying Your Thyroid Gland

Many people face allergies and food intolerances. They therefore turn to substitutes, put forward by signs for their health benefits. This is the case of this beverage popular with vegetarians: soy milk.

Consumed traditionally in Asia, soy milk (or soy) is a drink made from soy beans and water. Used as an alternative to cow's milk, it gives it a wealth of protein, calcium, iron and anti-cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-cancer and slimming properties. But is this really the case and what are the health hazards of consuming soy milk?

The dangers of eating soy milk

Industrial soy milk contains a great deal of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and naturally has genetic alterations, making it difficult to find all-organic soy milk. This drink would cause:

Consumption of soy milk during pregnancy or breastfeeding would affect the hormonal and immune development of newborns because of the isoflavone content, that is, antioxidant substances suspected of having an estrogenic action, found in this drink. In addition to disrupting mother's lactation, soy milk causes autoimmune diseases in children.

Kidney stones

Soy milk contains a substance that can not be treated by the body: oxalates. As a result, the body expels oxalates through the urine. However, a recent study shows that these substances, associated with calcium in the kidneys, is transformed in the long term into kidney stones.

Nervous system disorders

A study conducted by the Hawaiian Epidemiology Center states that soybeans damage the nervous system. For many years, people have been tested to make the following observation: the higher the consumption of soy milk, the greater the motor deficit is important.

Cancer risks

Although most brands selling soy milk say it is anti-cancer, this milk contains carcinogens, including lisinealin. In addition, the solvents contained in this milk leave carcinogenic residues such as hexane. It should also be noted that phyto-oestrogens, which are present in large quantities in soy, increase the risk of breast cancer.

Uterine fibroids

The scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives conducted a study of 50,000 women over four years to discover the link between soy milk consumption and the appearance of uterine fibroids. The researchers found that women who consume soy milk were 25% more likely to have uterine fibroids at age 35.

Endocrine disorders

In soy milk, one of the substances causes alterations in the body, especially in the pancreas and the thyroid, it is the genistein. Various studies have shown that people who eat soy excessively suffer from hypothyroidism, endocrine disorders and immune disorders.

Fertility problems

  Men are not advised to drink soy milk as this affects their fertility. Indeed, the high presence of phyto-oestrogens, ie hormones similar to that of estrogens, is the gender hormone secreted mainly by women, affects the quality of sperm and delays the hormonal development of boys. In the case of girls, their hormonal development is accelerated.