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Get Rid Of Weeds In Your Garden And Around Your House With This Great Tip

Get Rid Of Weeds In Your Garden And Around Your House With This Great Tip

Get Rid Of Weeds In Your Garden

To get rid of the weeds that invade gardens and grow on the driveways in front of houses, many people resort to chemical herbicides. However, even if they generally give satisfactory results, they are not safe for health and for the environment. To avoid their side effects, discover this incredible herbicide home-made, inexpensive and very effective.

Invading the lawns, walkways and the edges of houses, weeds, in addition to unsightly beings are also harmful to the plants that they may damage. If some people have the patience to tear them away, others prefer radical solutions and sprinkle them with chemical herbicides, certainly effective but dangerous for their health, that of their family and their pets, but also for the environment .

In addition to being pollutants, chemical herbicides may, depending on their toxicity, cause rashes, respiratory problems, Parkinson's disease, cancer or even death.

To avoid all this and to get rid of weeds without putting yourself in danger, here's how to prepare a home-made herbicide, effective and without side effects for health and the environment.

How to prepare a herbicide from ingredients you already have at home?

You will need:
  • 4 liters of white vinegar
  • 500 g of salt
  • 60 ml dishwashing liquid


All you have to do is mix all the ingredients carefully, then using a funnel, pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on the weeds to remove them.

However, be careful not to do this operation in your garden, only on a sunny day and after making sure that it will not rain in the next few days, to prevent this herbicide from sinking and killing your healthy plants or n ' Deplete your land with nutrients, essential for the survival of your plantations.

How it works ?

The mixture of salt and white vinegar is very effective at killing weeds and preventing regrowth, especially when used regularly. In addition, with the dishwashing liquid that allows it to adhere better to the herbs, the effectiveness of this herbicide is even more increased.

Other tips to remove weeds:

Salted boiling water:

This trick is very easy to achieve. Just boil enough water, add salt and pour the mixture still boiling on the weeds. The heat of the water will kill them immediately and the salt will prevent them from repelling.

Baking soda

Known for its fungicidal properties, baking soda is also an effective herbicide. Sprinkle it on the weeds of your garden or between the slabs, then pour some water on them to eliminate the weeds and stop their regrowth.

Caution: Whichever method you wish to use, try not to touch other plants as they may die too.