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Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Relax A Fussy Or Crying Baby

Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Relax A Fussy Or Crying Baby

Massage Stress Points Relax A Restless Crying Baby

Reflexology is a technique that aims to relieve symptoms by acting on reflex zones, each part of the body corresponds to a specific point. Plantar reflexology is an ancient natural therapy that uses the subtle energies of the feet to create balance, it can help heal many ailments in babies. explanations

Reflexology is the ancient art of using pressure points throughout the body to relieve pain; it can be a natural alternative for those seeking to relieve their pain. The first few weeks of a baby in the world are not always easy, because he usually lives small troubles that disturb his daily life such as colic, small ailments or disturbed sleep ...

Yes reflexology can calm the small daily sores of a baby! However, the pressures must be light and soft because the energy of the newborn is more sensitive.

To know if the baby is enjoying this moment of reflexology or not, we must be attentive to his reactions, the mother or anyone who practices these gestures on the child must observe if the child is happy and comforted or distant and upset .

There is no specific time for reflexology but you can do it for example every day before bedtime or when bathing or just while it is agitated.

Here are 6 ways to help young children calm their pain

The experts were able to define 6 places of the foot relating to 6 pains, which can be calmed thanks to the reflexology. It is also important to note that before starting foot reflexology, the baby should be relaxed either through a massage or a hot bath.

1) Headache and dental pain

Babies often have head and toothache especially during periods of dental flare. In this case, you have to massage the tips of your toes gently to reduce the pain. It can be done while sleeping too.

2) Sinus pain

Sinus pain can be annoying for an adult, so for babies it is unbearable. To relieve them, massage the center of the underside of their toes. Apply gentle pressure to relieve pain! This practice can help reduce the severity of a variety of sinus problems, ranging from a runny nose to a cold or even other respiratory problems.

3) The chest

When your child is suffering from congestion in the chest, relief can be found on the foot pads, just under the toes and above the arch. Apply gentle pressure and massage in a circular motion to relieve congestion and coughing problems as well as chronic colds that cause mucus buildup.

4) Pain in the stomach (solar plexus)

For children with stomach upset, spasms, tightness and difficulty breathing, massage the center of the foot under the pads. This area is connected to the solar plexus, a collection of nerves between the stomach and the lungs.

5) Abdominal pain (upper and lower)

For constipation, heartburn and indigestion, massage the space between the middle of your child's foot and the pads of his feet. If the baby has gas and bloating pains in the small intestine, massage between the middle of the feet and the heel.

6) The pelvis

Babies can sometimes grow so fast that they sometimes suffer from muscle stiffness and postural problems. To relieve them, put pressure on the heel. The massage of this part of the feet can be helpful to relieve constipation, stomach upset and pelvic pain too!

In conclusion, remember that reflexology is often effective in reducing the pain caused by certain ailments and pains of everyday life. It is far from the miracle solution for certain diseases that would surely require consultation with a specialist doctor. Reflexology is intended simply to improve the baby's comfort, as well as yours, during times of pain and stress.