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6 Signs That You Were Unloved As A Child

6 Signs That You Were Unloved As A Child

6 Signs That You Were Unloved As A Child

When the child's emotional needs are not met during childhood, their development and personality are significantly affected. While it is true that everyone's experience is different, a child who has emotionally absent and contemptuous parents, who does not pay attention to him, will have a significant impact on his or her development. There are, however, reliable claims to show the effect of these experiences, and with which we can understand how childhood shapes the personality and behaviors of the adult person.

There are six crucial signs that show that a person was not loved enough as a child, and to be careful!

1. Attachment problems

Loving and caring parents bring up a child who feels understood and supported, gives him the basics of caring relationships, and cares for them. They also teach him that the world is a place of exploration.

A child with emotionally unmet parents understands that relationships are tense and precarious, and nothing is guaranteed. He grew up anxiously attached, eager for connection but still expecting the other to abandon him one day.

People who have not had a loving childhood often end up with serious attachment problems. Indeed, children who do not have a "secure attachment" on many occasions do not develop the skills needed to build healthy relationships.

2. A lack of confidence

If you were not loved as a child, you probably have a serious problem of trust as an adult. People who have not had enough love as children are rarely confident people. These types of people do not know that they are worthy of attention and love because of the lack in which they have lived throughout their childhood.

3. Sticky and indiscriminate relationships

Those who were not loved as children often find themselves in unhealthy relationships as adults. This can be revealed by "blind ties" with adults later in life. People who have not been loved as children will have an unhealthy attachment to anyone who will show them the slightest attention, until they begin to recognize the way they were hurt in childhood, and it is likely that they continue to recreate the emotional atmosphere in which they grew up in their relationships with adults.

4. Inability to set boundaries

Attentive parents teach their child the limits; they explain to him that there is a space not to be exceeded and a margin of maneuver even in the close relations.

Someone who has missed love in childhood does not always know where to place the limits. These people end up becoming people who want to please everyone, so they will do everything they can to keep a relationship intact, which means that the limits are nonexistent for people who have not received enough love.

5. Lack of confidence in others

To trust others, you must believe that the world is essentially a safe place and that people are well intentioned, and sometimes imperfect. With emotionally or hypercritically limited parents, the child learns that relationships are unstable and dangerous, that trust is ephemeral and can not be relied on. Unhappy children have difficulty in trusting all relationships, but especially friendship.

People who lacked love during childhood often become sticky, and the impact on their mental health is great, and usually leads to "trust issues" towards others.

6. Overall lack of development

A child understands how he feels through interaction with his parents. The gestures and words of parents teach the baby to calm down when stressed or uncomfortable. Later, parents will play a key role in helping their children verbalize their feelings, name them, and learn to deal with their fears and negative emotions.

People who lacked love during childhood face many developmental problems: physically, emotionally and mentally, these people are somewhat retarded. The physical growth of a person who has not had enough love during childhood can even be affected.

Here is how to heal your unloved inner child in this video :