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Your Stomach Is Still Bloated? Never Ignore This Warning Sign

Your Stomach Is Still Bloated? Never Ignore This Warning Sign

Your Stomach Is Still Bloated

More and more people around the world are suffering from bloating. Most of the time, symptoms occur as a result of a large meal or soft drink intake, but not only because the reasons for bloating can be more severe. This symptom may reveal the presence of several diseases such as stomach cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.

Bloating is common digestive disorders in young and old, this discomfort is often unpleasant because it causes swelling in the stomach and the emission of gas or pets. An undigested meal or a diet too fat are the most common causes, it is possible to limit these bloating by changing the diet or by using natural methods.

Here is an effective recipe to improve the transit and eliminate bloating: Infuse 1 teaspoon of anise in a glass of hot water, let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Then drink the drink each time you are bloated. However, it is forbidden to combine anise with drugs against digestive disorders.

Bloating can also be a symptom of a serious or even chronic illness, which requires first of all a consultation with a specialist if the symptoms persist.

What are the diseases revealed by a bloated stomach?

Ovarian cancer

Constant bloating, pelvic pain and feeling full are symptoms of ovarian cancer. Risk factors are late delivery but also infertility, genetics, obesity, etc. People over 50 are at higher risk of developing this disease.

Cancer of the uterus

This type of cancer includes bleeding, pains in the pelvis, pain during intercourse and urination, bloating and swelling of the lower abdomen. The causes of this disease can be diverse ie, significant overweight, obesity, heredity, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal disorders with excess production of estrogen in 80% of cases etc.

Stomach cancer

There is almost no symptom in the early stages of this disease. However, in later stages, the affected person may suffer from weight loss, indigestion, flatulence, vomiting, and nausea. H. pylori is one of the major risk factors, as are nitrates and nitrites from processed foods.

Pancreatic cancer

Most of the time the development of a pancreatic tumor is manifested by strong and persistent pains behind the stomach or back, weight loss, etc. Known risk factors for this disease are often tobacco, obesity, diabetes, a family history of pancreatic cancer, and some genetic disorders.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Fever, bloating, tendonitis and pelvic pain are one of the most common symptoms of this disease. Some STDs can trigger pelvic inflammatory disease, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Intimate parts discharge is one of the most important symptoms, so be careful because if you do not know it, this disease can lead to infertility.

Colon cancer

This type of cancer can clog the inside of the colon and cause bloating, which is the only symptom of early-stage colon cancer, but in the advanced stages of the disease, bloating is accompanied by constipation and bleeding.

Bowel obstruction

If stomach bloating is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and constipation, this can occur because of intestinal obstruction triggered by tumors or scar tissue. Their growth presses the intestines and blocks them, catching fluids and stools. This problem is painful and leads to irregular intestinal transit.

Water retention

Fluids can be stored in body parts, such as the pelvic area or the abdomen, resulting in excess weight and bloating. Liver disease and cancer can cause this. Symptoms may include liver failure, jaundice, change in eye color, or abdominal pain.

Crohn's disease

This autoimmune disease affects the colon or small intestine and bloating is one of the initial symptoms. In addition, it can cause bowel obstruction, which causes bloating, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. Diarrhea with blood is the most common symptom when Crohn's disease affects the colon.

Liver disease

Liver disease or cirrhosis can cause abdominal bloating. These diseases are triggered by hepatitis, over-use of drugs or excessive alcohol consumption. Yellowing of the skin and eyes are other symptoms that may indicate liver disease.