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People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits

People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits

Although many people often confuse being alone and being a loner, there is a significant difference between the two. Moreover, many happy, prosperous and peaceful human beings actually prefer time alone to social time. Although many people can not feel satisfied without having a regular social life, lonely people can feel as fulfilling in the comfort of their own space and their own thoughts, feelings and emotions. In order to recognize them, here are their 6 personality traits!

Why be lonely?
According to a Wellesley College psychologist, Jonathan Cheek, loners do not feel the need to be accepted. Some people simply have a weak need for affiliation, and there is a big difference between a loner by preference and a forced loner.

A penchant for loneliness may reflect a mix of innate tendencies and experiences such as not having many friends as a child or growing up in a family that values privacy.

Of course, it is possible to be very lonely. Some solitaries close their borders, so to speak, because of anxiety, and some are pathologically shy.

Some solitaries have had bad experiences as children. These types of people tend to get nervous about mixing with people.

Only social isolation can be a health risk. According to John Cacioppo, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, when you're alone, there's a stress response in your body, and it's not healthy to keep it that way for too long.
However, to recognize a lonely person, here are 6 personality traits that clearly characterize it.

1. Time has value
If there is something extremely important for a loner, it's his time. He respects and appreciates it more than anything else. He is aware that time is the most valuable asset for a successful life.

A loner will do everything in his power not to be late, never to waste time on someone else and will never allow someone to waste time. He avoids false behavior and can not tolerate it.

Thanks to his self-awareness, he has developed a huge level of self-respect. Respect his time as he respects yours, and you can expect one of the most unbelievable friendships.

2. Self-awareness
Many people choose to ignore their thoughts and emotions. Loners choose to embrace these feelings and become fully aware of themselves. They know each other better than anyone, which allows them to better understand their surroundings. Everyone has periods of depressive and discouraging thoughts, but the loners are able to cross them quite easily.

3. Keep a cool head
Solitaires are incredibly strong when they face difficult situations. They have incredible concentration and will because of their frequent thinking and the time they spend alone.

They may feel overwhelmed by stressful situations, but instead of being distracted, they decide to spend time alone and recharge their batteries. Meanwhile, they are designing solutions to their problems.

4. Open-mindedness
Even if they like to be alone, it does not make them rigid and closed. On the contrary, they are extremely open minded and are always ready for new ideas and activities.

They do not plan to spend their entire lives at home. They like to explore and embark on new adventures. However, you will need to make sure you give them their time alone before going anywhere with several people.

5. Loyalty
Solitaries do not seek the company of others. However, that does not mean they do not have friends. Once they love someone and want him to be their friend, they will be the most loyal friends on the planet.

They know their value and what they deserve. They are loyal in all areas of life: relationships, work and family.

6. Clear boundaries
Solitaries always have healthy limits. They understand each other perfectly and have strong values. They never feel alone because they have the company of their person. They will respect your limits and let you know if you are about to reach theirs. In the end, if you can not be true to yourself, you can not be loyal to anyone.