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20 Things You Need To Do Regularly With Your Wife To Make Your Relationship Last

20 Things You Need To Do Regularly With Your Wife To Make Your Relationship Last

20 Things You Need To Do Regularly With Your Wife To Make Your Relationship Last

It's not enough to think that you're a great husband to be one. To be able to achieve this, your wife must see that you prove her love every day in various ways. It is not enough to say "I love you", married life requires much more than that in terms of evidence of love, feelings must then be translated into action and become reality within the couple.

Be in touch with her
Physical contact in a couple must never rely just on physical intimacy . So there are different ways to live your intimacy with your darling, cuddles are clearly part of it.

Physical intimacy must not become a duty
Although intimacy is crucial in a happy marriage, physical contact, which also includes physical intimacy , should not be perceived by your wife as something to which she owes you.

Order or make food
After a long and hard day, you must surely doubt that one of the last things your wife would think of would be dinner. Give him some respite from time to time and order a meal, or make yourself some food.

Take the children out
There are days when caring for children becomes a particularly difficult and cumbersome task. Do not hesitate to take them out for a while to let the poor mom breathe.

Be a gentleman
At the beginning of the relationship, you did everything to seduce her, but there is no reason for it to change. Open the door and speak to him with kindness and gallantry!

Listen to it without fixing it
A balanced relationship is based on communication and listening to others, among other things. Even if it's hard to focus on what your other half tells you over 6 minutes - and this is a British study that just proves it - make an effort and listen to it anyway.

Compliment her
You think that your wife is beautiful, funny and intelligent. You love so much in her, but have you told her recently?

Pray with her
A good husband prays for his wife every day. A superb husband prays with her.

Invite her to go out with you
Now that she is in your life, there is no question of stopping the romantic outings and whatever the duration of your relationship, if there is one thing that will have an effect on your wife. is asking him to go out with you, and there is no mention of going out for shopping!

The romantic outing
It does not have to be expensive. A dinner or movie after the kids have gone to bed, will definitely strengthen your relationship.

Give her chocolate
Who can remain indifferent to a gift like this? Offering chocolate will always please your wife, so do not wait for a special occasion to do it. Gifts are the expression of the attention and love we feel for each other.

Let her rest
This especially concerns moms. After a hard day with the kids, she deserves your time to take a good nap as soon as she needs it.

Enjoy what she does
It often happens that the work of a wife / mother goes unnoticed, so do not hesitate to express her gratitude for all she does for you and your children!

Work hard
As it does for you and for children, give yourself as much in your life as a couple and a father!

Support her in her free time
Being a mother does not mean having no life, so help her to do the things she loves.

Express interest
Ask her how was her day and if she needs anything in particular.

Open your heart
Some men tend to want to be strong and invincible, so do not, communication is one of the keys to a successful marriage.

After an argument, men tend to forget and move on, which is not the case for women. Do not leave her angry and apologize.

Hold her hand
It's not just that new couples who do it, it's a simple gesture that will show your wife how much you care about her.

Respect her
Even if you do not agree with her opinion on such or such subject, respect her opinion and discuss with her in the greatest calm and respect.

This is an opportunity for you guys to know if you have the right behavior and pay attention to the different points of improvement!