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Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Calm A Baby Who Does Not Stop Crying!

Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Calm A Baby Who Does Not Stop Crying!

Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Calm A Baby Who Does Not Stop Crying!

Reflexology is an ancient art of using pressure points all over the body to relieve pain, and can be a great alternative for those who want to soothe pain with natural methods.

More and more people are looking to help their children through reflexology, especially when it comes to babies who are just adjusting to a new world for them. .

The experts in reflexology stipulate that before starting the massage, the baby should be relaxed after a rubbing of the feet to activate the blood circulation, a hot bath can also be a very good way to achieve this goal, so here are 6 ways to help your child according to 6 types of pain to which he could be exposed.

Massage these stress points to immediately calm a baby

1 - Headache or teeth
Babies often have headaches or teeth. If you ever notice them in your child, a massage of the tips of his toes will be in order! You can also apply this trick while your little one is asleep.

2 - Sick sinus
This pain can be problematic for adults, but for babies who have never experienced it, it can be really unsustainable. To soothe it, simply massage the center of the underside of your baby's toes, gently apply pressure to relieve the pain.

3 - Congestion of the chest
When your child feels congestion in the chest, the relief of the chest is at the top of the soles of the feet, the pads located more precisely below the toes and above the arch of the foot. Apply gentle pressure with a circular motion to calm congestion and coughing problems.

4 - Stomach pain (solar plexus)
For children with stomach pain, spasms, stiffness or breathing difficulties, massage the area between the forefoot and the beginning of the arch. This part is directly connected to the solar plexus, it is the end point of a non-negligible number of nerves between the stomach and the lungs.

5) Abdominal pain (upper and lower)
For constipation, heartburn and indigestion, massage the space between the middle and the center of the plantar area. If your baby has gas or bloating pains in the lower bowel, the massage should be applied between the center of the foot and the heel.

6 - The basin
Babies can sometimes grow at a much higher rate than parts of their body have been prepared, and hip pain can be a problem for the youngest of them. Rub the heels of your baby to remedy this problem! This heel massage can also be very helpful when it comes to constipation or upset stomach.

While the most serious problems must be treated under medical supervision and consultation, small daily problems can always be resolved through reflexology. So take them into consideration to help your little ones to be better in everyday life!