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12 Signs That Prove You Have A Ghost At Home

12 Signs That Prove You Have A Ghost At Home

Signs That Prove You Have A Ghost At Home

We have all seen horror movies and know very well that it's not a happy scene to have ghosts as guests at home. Indeed, ghosts are a source of anxiety and fear and even if we do not believe all, it is possible that they are around us.

First, when you encounter a demon, that is, a ghost with an evil spirit, you feel uncomfortable and the atmosphere becomes heavy in the place where you are. Conversely, when it comes to a ghost having a good spirit, it does not bring bad waves into your house. On the contrary, it calms you down, comforts you and reassures you. It may appear in your dreams or during the day, but it will never scare you.

So, here's how to make the difference and know that you are in the presence of a demon with these 12 signs!

1.An unexplained noise

This can be quite subtle, even unnoticed, but over time, these noises can become loud and unbearable. It is a way for the demons to communicate their presence to the inhabitants of the house. The fact that the noises may be aggravating may reveal their discontent.

2.Unstable electronic devices

There is no mention of flickering that may result from voltage fluctuations but rather electronic devices that turn off and on again alone. Moreover, it is said that the spirits are attracted by the electromagnetic waves which can mean that you have the visit!

3. Doors and cabinets become alive

If a door or cabinet closes on its own, you may not be alone at home. It can be a simple draft, but if it happens very often, there is a presence at home.

4. The feeling of not being alone

If you feel that you are not alone or that someone is watching you, your instinct is likely to be reliable. Indeed, as your body is able to feel the different surrounding energies, it can feel the unhealthy energies released by these evil spirits.

5. A drop in temperature

A sudden and inexplicable temperature drop usually means that a spirit from another world is trying to communicate with you. This temperature variation comes from the fact that a mind needs to draw energy to manifest itself in the physical world.

6. An unusual cold

Sometimes these entities decide to focus their presence and energy in a specific area of the house. This point then becomes cold, while all the rest of the place keeps a temperature quite normal.

7. Unexplained smell

Very often, an unusual and unexplained smell can attract your nose. It is generally believed that a foul odor is a sign of the presence of a demon and that good smells indicate the presence of good spirits.

8. Cries, whispers and voices

Hearing whispers or voices calling you by your name or trying to tell you something special is an obvious sign of a strange presence around you. In principle, this kind of phenomena is concentrated in specific areas of a house or a place.

9. The sensitivity of animals

Animals have a sixth sense to capture unusual things that the human eye can not see. If you see your dog or cat acting strangely, as if seeing someone arrive, it is a sign of a paranormal presence.

10. The apparitions

Sometimes your eyes catch small clues that look a little different from the ordinary. It could be an apparition, a foggy, transparent or even opaque silhouette. His disappearance is in this case fast, leaving you in the most total perplexity.

11. Goose bumps

Your body tends to react in this way for two reasons. First of all, the drop in temperature makes your body react so that it adapts to its environment. This also happens when your body feels a threat, and in the case of a paranormal presence, it identifies the entity as a threat and warns you to be more suspicious.

12. The weather

If a particular incident is related to a disturbing event or a time of death, it is entirely possible that unusual events will occur at that time. Ghosts are thought to be related to a particular moment, so if you notice strange phenomena happening regularly at the same time of the day or year, you should be careful!