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New Study Reveals Simple Way To Know If You've Been Cheated

New Study Reveals Simple Way To Know If You've Been Cheated

New Study Reveals Simple Way To Know If You've Been Cheated

Does your partner have unusual behavior? Or can one of his routines have changed? There is usually no reliable method to detect infidelity, but science comes to enlighten us on this and bring new elements to recognize a wrong partner. Explications!

One study, published in Evolutionary Psychology, states that listening to the tone of voice is essential when confronting a partner who is cheating on you. Susan Hughes and Marissa Harrison, the authors of this study say that the tone of a person's voice can reveal a lot about his behavior. It is therefore considered a barometer of infidelity according to science!

How to explain this study?

To test their theory, the scientists gathered 152 undergraduate students to participate in their analysis, 64 men and 88 women. Each student was submitted to the voice recording, others tried to determine, from the tone of their voice, which lovers had deceived in a relationship and which had not.

Before recording their voice, they answered a questionnaire about their infidelity, 50% of participants admitted to having cheated during a relationship, the other half was faithful.

In the majority of responses, undergraduates were able to correctly determine which voices belonged to the infidels, and which ones were not.

Researchers have been able to establish a link between the tone of the voice and infidelity, they explain this through the clarity of the articulation, the phonetics or even the volume of the voice.

Elsewhere in another study, Canadian researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, highlighted the pitch of the voice as an indicator of infidelity. It has been found that the lower the voice of a man, the more likely the women perceive him to be unfaithful. Men, on the other hand, think that a woman with a loud voice can easily betray.

This link between voice height and infidelity is explained by hormones, men with high levels of testosterone have a lower voice, and women with higher estrogen levels have higher acute voices .

This criterion is not the only one, there are other frequent means to detect an infidelity including:

The loss of interest: One of the most telling signs of infidelity is the loss of interest that begins to settle in the couple, the distance takes more and more place in the relationship. You will notice a lack of communication with your partner and a coldness in your discussions.

Free criticism: The emotional impact of infidelity is clearly visible on the couple as the behavior of both parties begins to change, especially the partner who cheats; he will tend to act with malice and anger for the slightest concern.

Changes in everyday life: If your partner used to go home directly after work or spend their weekends on couple outings, you will notice a big change especially on his work schedules and his plan changes to the last minute.

A change of look: Unfortunately with the routine that settles in the couple, we do less and less effort to seduce. Whereas when an infidelity settles, you will notice that your partner suddenly begins to pay attention to his appearance. You will observe the change especially on the style of dress, the haircut or even the perfume ...