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10 Amazing Reasons That Prevent A Woman From Getting Pregnant

10 Amazing Reasons That Prevent A Woman From Getting Pregnant

Synonymous with joy and fulfillment, pregnancy is a privileged step for every couple in desire of children. However, getting pregnant is not always easy and some women have to fight to succeed in conceiving. But, what prevents these women from living a pregnancy?

There are many known reasons for infertility within the couple, such as age or dating error with respect to the ovulation period. But, that's not all, these other 10 reasons are at the origin of infertility, discover them!

Amazing Reasons That Prevent A Woman From Getting Pregnant

1. The stress
The stress factor is at the origin of good numbers of physical and psychic disorders. Moreover, stress significantly decreases fertility according to a study from the University of Columbus (Ohio). The researchers assessed the stress status of more than 370 women and the time taken to become pregnant, and found the negative effect of cortisol, the stress hormone, on fertility. So ladies, relax, using yoga and / or meditation for example, if you want to get pregnant.

2. The weight
Weight plays a vital role in a couple's chances of reproduction. Indeed, a significant weight change, that is to say a catch or a loss of weight, can be at the origin of infertility. Note that body fat has a negative effect on the production of ovulation hormone in women and sperm production in humans. That's why a healthy weight will increase your chances of conceiving.

3. Pollution
Air pollution would have a negative impact on sperm quality, and hence fertility, according to a study conducted by the University of Hong Kong. In addition, endocrine disruptors are currently one of the leading factors in lowering fertility in men. So, be sure to control the quality of your environment, including your interior, and the products you use to put the odds on your side.

4. Harmful substances
Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, drugs are among the products that limit fertility in men and women. It is therefore advisable, in case of desire of child and to preserve one's health, to limit or even to suppress this type of harmful substances.

5. Food
In the same way as weight fluctuations, the content of your plate plays an important role in your success in getting pregnant. An unhealthy diet causes infertility, which is why it is essential to adopt a balanced diet, which helps to coordinate the production of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and provides the essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. vitamin B9 and calcium.

6. Diseases
Besides psychic disorders or lifestyle, infertility is related to different diseases. Diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, venereal transmitted diseases, endometriosis, fallopian tube lesions are diseases that cause infertility. Therefore, early detection of these diseases, and their treatment if possible, improves fertility and facilitates the decision about possible options for procreation.

7. The quality of sperm
For a woman to become pregnant, her partner must be in good health just like her sperm. Indeed, the quality of semen is necessary to increase the chances of reproducing. Then, in case of infertility, a spermogram, that is to say a medical examination to analyze the quality of semen, is performed. It should be noted that different factors cause poor quality sperm including food and the consumption of harmful substances.

8. The quality of cervical mucus
If the quality of the cervical mucus is not good, because of hormonal disorders, infections or medications, it can be a barrier to pregnancy. Thus, if a couple has difficulty in having a child, a Hünher test is performed. It allows to analyze the behavior of spermatozoa in the cervical mucus as a result of intercourse.

9. The blood group
According to a study by Yale University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, the blood type would influence the chances of getting pregnant. According to the researchers, women in the type O blood group, whose follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level is greater than 10, have more difficulties to have a child because they have fewer eggs, compared to those of group A.

10. The use of lubricant
The lubricant impedes the action of cervical mucus but it also reduces the quality of sperm because the chemical ingredients in the lubricant weaken the mobility of the spermatozoa. In addition, saliva contains digestive enzymes with the same impact and mineral oils decrease the ability of male gametes to penetrate the egg. Just go for extended preliminaries!