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Here Are The 5 Foods You Eat At The Wrong Time! It Hurts Your Health!

Here Are The 5 Foods You Eat At The Wrong Time! It Hurts Your Health!

Being vital, food is part of our daily lives. Indeed, we spend a lot of time eating but the reasons that push us are varied. It can happen that we feed ourselves for pleasure, sadness, stress, habit or to share a friendly moment.

Much more than the simple act of filling a physical need, eating is a real moment of sharing that can be beneficial for our psychic and physical health. However, to properly digest what we eat, we must be vigilant about the time we eat. So, to help you, here are 5 foods that we usually eat at the wrong time.

Foods You Eat At The Wrong Time! It Hurts Your Health!

The 5 foods we eat at the wrong time


The best time to eat: Evening
Since the milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep, it is often recommended to drink at night. In addition, it releases serotonin, a hormone of well-being. However, it is better to consume almond milk, which also contains this amino acid, than cow's milk, because of the composition of the latter. Indeed, it contains, among others, lactose causing digestive disorders in adulthood.

The worst time to eat it: Morning
The morning is a time when our body is activated, but milk is a food that is difficult to digest and helps to sleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink in the morning. In addition, choose vegetable milk, a health alternative to milks of animal origin.


The best time to eat it: Morning
Most foods containing sugar should be consumed preferably in the morning. Indeed, sugar is used as energy fuel especially if it is fruit, which also contain vitamins and fiber, or natural sugar such as honey.

The worst time to eat: Evening
Sugar, like fat, is not recommended in the evening because the body is at rest. As a result, it metabolizes foods differently and stores them more readily in fat areas.


The best time to eat: Day
Offering calcium and protein, a piece of cheese for breakfast, as a snack or lunch offers a dose of energy for the day, while filling the feeling of hunger. However, be sure to eat a reasonable amount considering its caloric content.

The worst time to eat: Evening
Regarding the consumption of cheese in the evening, two schools compete. The first claiming that it makes you fat when eaten at night and that it can clog arteries in the long run because it is rich in fat and the second nuance, stating that everything depends on the cheese chosen. Indeed, some cheeses are less caloric like cancoillotte, ricotta or cottage cheese.


The best time to eat: Evening
Being high in fiber, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans etc ...) facilitate digestion, which is why they are recommended at dinner time. In addition, they contain nutrients essential to the body and are often sources of antioxidants, to eliminate toxins.

The worst time to eat it: Morning
The morning is not the best time to eat legumes but you can eat during the day. However, be sure to have a moderate intake of legumes so you do not suffer from digestive disorders such as bloating.


The best time to eat: Day
Fruits are part of a varied and balanced diet because they contain fiber, vitamins and nutrients that increase energy, improve intestinal transit and preserve the health of the skin, hair and organs. But, to fully understand all the benefits of fruits, you must eat at the right time, that is to say at breakfast, snack or lunch.

The worst time to eat: Evening
Given the composition of fruits, it is not recommended to eat at night because we do not burn glucose properly. Indeed, the body is at rest, it will only store the latter, causing weight gain, and pathologies that result in the long term.