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She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face For 7 Days And The Results Are Amazing!

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face For 7 Days And The Results Are Amazing!

Since our appearance is the first thing the other discovers about us, we feel the need to take care of our look and also of our face! Indeed, nothing more disturbing than knowing that our complexion is gray or that we have a button in the middle of the forehead ... So, to face these small complexes and find a baby's skin, nothing better than aloe vera!

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face For 7 Days And The Results Are Bluffing!

The benefits of aloe vera

Also known as "aloe", the aloe vera plant offers many qualities to take care of health. Both for internal and external use, it promotes healing of wounds and burns, relieves constipation, treats genital herpes, prevents wrinkles and improves healing. Note that aloe vera is also effective externally in infants to treat diaper rash. A test of 66 infants with diaper rash showed that the application of aloe vera promotes healing of this skin condition without any undesirable side effects.

All this is explained by the composition of the aloe vera plant. Indeed, it has antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing and healing properties. It contains polyphenols that slow skin aging by fighting against free radicals, thus helping to eliminate toxins present in the body. It is also composed of vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and E as well as calcium, copper, potassium zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, amino acids, choline and saponins.

In addition, the gel inside the plant reduces acne and deeply moisturizes the skin, which is why aloe vera is often used in the field of beauty since Antiquity . Indeed, from the Greeks through the era of the pharaohs, the aloe gel was known to overcome skin problems. Even today, it gives these incredible effects and that is why the followers of natural remedies do not hesitate to use it. But how to make a face care with aloe vera in the rules of art? Discover the answer below!

The face care with aloe vera

To restore radiance to your skin and fight against imperfections and irregularities, simply perform this beauty routine based on aloe vera. To do this, opt for an aloe vera plant that you will have directly in your garden.

Step 1: After picking a leaf of aloe vera in your garden, clean it and soften it, gently pressing on it. Then cut it in several portions and cut both sides of the leaf to peel it more easily.

Step 2: Open it in half and collect the gel that is on each part of the sheet.

Step 3: Apply the aloe vera gel on your face by rubbing the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and leave for a few minutes.

Step 4: Finally, rinse your face with clean water and then dry it with a clean towel. Your face will be bright again and you will see the difference!

Moreover, to see the amazing results and to see in picture the aforementioned stages, discover the video below: