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Start Eating Two Eggs A Day And These Seven Changes Will Come To Your Body!

Start Eating Two Eggs A Day And These Seven Changes Will Come To Your Body!

You've probably heard that eating eggs on a daily basis was bad for your health because they would have a bad impact on our cholesterol. But is that true? Not at all ! In fact, and according to several studies, the egg is one of the healthiest foods on the planet and the nutrients it contains are essential for the human body. Let's find out why!

Start Eating Two Eggs A Day And These Seven Changes Will Come To Your Body!

According to recent British studies, if you are used to eating eggs for your breakfast, you only drink a small amount of calories, which helps you get rid of your excess fat. In addition, by eating eggs for breakfast, you will feel full for a long time, which will reduce your overall food consumption.

Increase calcium absorption with vitamin D
Specialists at the National Biotechnology Information Center in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, found that calcium and protein work together to maintain calcium levels in the body and ensure that metabolic procedures of bones are kept healthy. In addition, vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium. This is why eggs are effective for the body to absorb calcium, since they are rich in calcium and vitamin D.


The brain is under the constant protection of choline
Choline is an incredibly important nutrient for the body and is often placed in the B vitamins class.

Choline is used to build cell membranes and has a role in the production of signaling molecules in the brain, as well as various other functions. Eggs are an excellent source of choline. One egg contains more than 125 mg of this very important nutrient.

Rich in nutrients
Eggs are a source of nutrients. Indeed, a single boiled egg contains vitamins A, B5, D, E, K, B6, vitamin B12 and biotin that are essential for the regeneration of your skin and hair. In addition, the eggs are filled with minerals such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, iron and magnesium. All these nutrients contribute to the good functioning of the organs of the body.

Good eye health
One of the consequences of aging is that vision tends to diminish. There are several nutrients that help counteract some of the degenerative processes that can affect our eyes. Two of them are called lutein and zeaxanthin, powerful antioxidants.

Studies show that consuming adequate amounts of these nutrients can significantly reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), two very common eye disorders. In addition, egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin.

In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consumption of only 1.3 egg yolks a day for one month increases blood levels of lutein from 28 to 50% and zeaxanthin from 114 to 142%.

Eggs are also rich in vitamin A. Deficiency in this vitamin is the most common cause of blindness in the world.


Strengthen muscles
Eggs are rich in high quality protein, nutrients and essential amino acids, which help keep the metabolism active. In addition, eggs are an excellent source of protein and eating enough protein can help increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure and optimize bone health.

Reduce the dangers of cardiovascular disease
Eggs are rich in omega-3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that lowers blood triglycerides, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that egg consumption is a very effective way to lower triglycerides in the blood. 

A recent study has shown that consuming only 5 eggs a week, for 3 weeks, can reduce triglycerides by 16 to 18%. In addition, several studies have shown that HDL cholesterol, that is to say the good cholesterol, increases after the consumption of eggs. On the other hand, the level of LDL cholesterol, or bad cholesterol, does not usually change.