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7 Things Your Doctor Has Never Told About Your Blood Type

7 Things Your Doctor Has Never Told About Your Blood Type

Blood is a fluid that carries oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. Although its basic elements are the same, scientists have been able to classify blood according to the presence or absence of antigenic substances inherited on the surface of red blood cells. As a result, there are four main blood types known to mankind, including the A / B / O / AB types. In this article you will discover 7 interesting facts about blood types taken from the book of Dr. Adamo, Eating according to his blood type is he stupid?

Things Your Doctor Has Never Told About Your Blood Type

It is important to note that the discovery of the blood classification allowed scientists to understand why some blood transfusions were successful while others ended tragically. In France, the most dominant blood group at 39% is the A + type while at the global level, it is the O + group.

7 Interesting facts about the 4 main blood types of humanity!

1. Foods that are suitable for each type:

Blood group A: mainly vegetarian, preferably fish, chicken and goat's milk yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration and coffee.

Blood Type B: Rather dairy products, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and cereals. Avoid alcohol and processed foods.

Blood group O: Red meat, fish and vegetables. Avoid dairy products, processed foods and overeating.

AB blood group: can eat almost anything without specific restriction. The most suitable foods will be organic products, fresh and raw. It will be necessary to avoid the cooked and transformed meals.

2. Personality traits according to your blood group:

Blood Type A: Compassionate, organized, effective, leadership skills.
Blood group B: thoughtful, flexible, friendly, active.
Blood group O: pragmatic, affirmative, attentive, empathic.
AB blood group: rational, calm, strong, innovative.

3. How does stress affect each blood group?

Blood Type A: Can not handle stress easily and needs time to overcome it. Hydration is his key to staying calm.

Blood type B: usually calm, but his mood can quickly change, causing mood swings. Breathing techniques are very useful to him.

Blood type O: shows tendencies to anger and can cope by visualizing all the concepts.

Blood type AB : can handle stress very well, but can also get angry easily. Any activity, whatever it is, is useful to let go.

4. The effect of bad eating habits on each blood group!

Blood type A: can consume the fats of meat and sugar without problem.

Blood type B: can suffer by eating fried foods and bread.

Blood type O: gaining weight by changing your eating habits.

Blood type AB : can gain weight by being inactive.

5. Blood typs and transfusions:

AB can receive blood of all types, but only gives AB.
A can receive group A or O blood, but only A or AB.
B can receive group B or O blood, but only B or AB.
O can only receive type O, but give to all other types.

6. Blood type and sport

Blood Type O: You tend to be strong and athletic with strong arms and legs. You use exercise as an emotional outlet, and need it more than other blood types to combat stress and anxiety and boost your mood.

Blood Type A: Strenuous exercise increases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, and causes muscle fatigue and stiffness. You do your best by opting for soothing activities that help you focus and protect your joints, such as yoga and walking.

Blood Type B: You will enjoy group cardiovascular exercises that have a slightly lower impact, such as tennis or cycling, as well as resistance training.

Blood Type AB: You tend to feel muscle and joint stiffness during cardio workouts, so you'll be better able to do some gentle exercises such as walking, hiking, golfing or dancing.

7. Knowing your blood type can save your life
Knowing your blood type is important for a number of reasons. Assuming you are traveling and unfortunately you have an accident, you may need a blood transfusion. But unless you have your card that indicates your blood type, doctors will not be able to quickly detect what type of blood you need. Transfusion of a blood group other than yours can lead to a number of complications, some of which can be life threatening.