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Do Not Let Your Dog Lick You

Do Not Let Your Dog Lick You

Dogs are extremely intelligent pets and use a variety of methods to communicate with humans. Licking one's master is one of those communication methods, but is it safe? Is this big, wet tongue that runs around your face healthy? In this article we will answer these questions and more!

Licking is a way for a dog to show his love and affection for his master, this practice allows his brain to release the hormone of happiness, something that calms and reassures. In some cases, he can lick to cheer up his master. It has often been said that a dog's mouth is cleaner than that of a human, but dog expert Marty Becker comes to the contrary. He says it's enough to watch his dog and see where he puts his nose and mouth to realize that the dog's mouth can be a nest of bacteria.

Do Not Let Your Dog Lick You

Indeed, dogs lick their own genitals, sniff the waste of other animals and suck their vapors. As a result, they can carry bacteria or parasites that can, through contact, trigger periodic epidemics in humans.

John Oxford, professor of virology and bacteriology at Queen Mary University in London, has studied the amount of bacteria that a dog's muzzle and mouth can carry. He says it's not just what's carried in saliva, dogs spend half of their life with their noses in unhygienic places, so their muzzle is full of bacteria , viruses and germs of all kinds.

Examples of diseases transmitted by dogs!

These viruses and germs can cause diseases that can be harmful to human health, as was the case in the United Kingdom. She contracted an infection of the saliva of her Italian greyhound. She did not even realize something was wrong until she was on the phone with a family member and began to notice speech disturbances.

At the time of the arrival of the ambulance, she was slumped in her chair, her health deteriorating rapidly. She recovered after two weeks of intensive care and a battery of antibiotic treatments.

Blood tests showed that the infection was caused by the bacterium capnocytophaga canimorsus, which is commonly found in the mouths of dogs and cats. It is a commensal bacterium in the normal gingival flora of canine and feline species. Transmission can occur through stings, licks, or even the mere proximity of animals.

This case is no exception, there are several other diseases that a dog can transmit to humans.

Ringworm infection:

Do not let your dog lick you

Ringworm is a common fungal infection of the skin that is easily transmitted by a dog via contact. This disease causes a scaly rash that can appear as round, red spots on the skin. Other symptoms may appear such as hair loss or flaking on the scalp, itching and blister-like lesions.

MRSA Super bug

Do not let your dog lick you

MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is a bacterial infection that causes mild skin infections, such as boils or pimples, or serious infections such as pneumonia or bacteremia. This disease is spread through skin-to-skin contact, dogs can carry this bacteria with very little impact on their own health.

Do not let your dog lick you

Another type of this infection can manifest itself as in the photo through the appearance of a boil or abscess filled with pus. The area is usually tender or painful and can be red and swollen. Staphylococcal infections are treated with topical antibiotics, oral or intravenous, depending on the type of infection.

Some tips to follow for better hygiene with your pet:
  • Avoid that your pet shares your room or that of your children.
  • Regularly clean areas where the animal has access.
  • Avoid having your dog lick your face.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after touching an animal.
  • Do not neglect collecting your dog waste on the street! This prevents the spread of germs.
  • Wash and brush your dog regularly.

Be sure to follow the vaccination schedule and take your pet to the veterinarian regularly.