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8 Foods That You Should Not Eat If You Have Joint Pain

8 Foods That You Should Not Eat If You Have Joint Pain

During our life and at each stage (childhood, adolescence, adulthood), we are confronted with various diseases and pains. Among the latter, there are joint pains that are usually illustrated by inflammation of the joints. Several causes and risk factors are at the origin.

Foods That You Should Not Eat If You Have Joint Pain

Indeed, this inflammation can be caused by a disruption of the immune system, the formation of uric acid or calcium crystals but also by our diet, main risk factor for this type of pain. By the way, here are 8 foods that you should not eat if you want to get rid of inflammatory joint pain:

1. Sugar
The consumption of sugar, mainly added sugars present in industrial dishes, excessively is harmful to health. Indeed, beyond the risks of obesity and type 2 diabetes, sugar is also incriminated in the development of diseases such as arthritis. Excess sugar damages the body's cells, especially the proteins that play a vital role in the structure and function of any living cell. Thus, to defend against this aggression, the body responds with inflammations in the body and joints. It is this phenomenon caused by the consumption of added sugars which is then at the origin of the articular pains.

2. Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are present in many products including: white flour, white bread, white pasta, white rice or pastries. In contrast to slow sugars, refined carbohydrates or fast sugars cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. Faced with this, and according to the same cellular phenomenon induced by excess sugar, the body defends itself through inflammations, especially in the joints.

3. Red meat
Although red meat is an excellent source of iron, its consumption is not trivial. In fact, when it is consumed excessively, red meat causes inflammatory reactions in the body in view of its fatty acid content including arachidonic acid, which will turn into prostaglandin, a hormone having variable biological effects. In excess, the latter is pro-inflammatory and causes pain, especially in the joints.

4. Dairy products
Milk products made from cow's milk are often implicated in the process of inflammation. Indeed, they contain trans fatty acids, lactose, casein and pro-inflammatory hormones, especially when consumed in excess. Thus, excessive and regular consumption of dairy products, especially milk and cheeses type industrial spreads, may be involved in the development of chronic joint pain and weight gain.

5. Industrial products
Industrial products (sauces, canned goods, ready meals) contain many food additives such as flavor enhancers and preservatives. Among their ingredients, we find in large quantities: sugar, salt, sodium glutamate and fat. Therefore, and considering the pro-inflammatory effects of these ingredients, their excessive consumption can cause chronic joint pain.

6. The alcohol
Alcohol, because of its ethanol content, is responsible for a rise in uric acid levels in the blood. Uric acid is a form of waste normally eliminated by urine. However, it can accumulate as crystals in the blood and cause joint pain and inflammatory diseases such as gout.

7. Salt
In general and for any type of food, the dose is the one to incriminate in the development of certain diseases. Thus, although salt plays an important role in the body's overall water balance, in excess it does the opposite. With regard to joint pain, a study conducted by the Rheumatology Department of the Pasteur University Hospital Center in Nice, France, highlighted the link between salt, inflammatory joint diseases and autoimmunity. The data showed that salt increases the inflammatory reactions of the body, in particular by the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, ie the chemical mediators synthesized by the cells and the synergistic or antagonistic reactions insofar as cytokines are involved in inflammation, immune reactions as well as blood cell production.

8. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Also called sodium glutamate, monosodium gutamate (MSG) and listed under the name E621, monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer, which is usually found in industrial products. This additive can enhance the taste of food while exciting the taste buds. However, excessive consumption of glutamate is at the root of many health disorders including chronic joint and muscle pain. In fact, according to a study conducted by the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience at the American University (Washington, USA) and the Meru University College of Science and Technology (Meru, Kenya), exposure to monosodium glutamate would increase pain Chronic all the more, when the person does not hydrate properly.