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This Is What Happens To Adults Who Have Not Been Loved During Their Childhood

This Is What Happens To Adults Who Have Not Been Loved During Their Childhood

A child deprived of love is a child who will be in pain for love later. Emotional deprivation can be expressed in various ways in the future. Every human being needs this vital energy that is love because he is born to receive and give it. However, it is possible that a lack of affection passes unnoticed in a child and the consequences can be alarming.

At birth, a child seeks the protection of his parents in the emotional love of the mother and the safety of the father. Deprived of these feelings, he could feel sadness, distress, even a lack of self-esteem. Some children will even be persuaded that they do not deserve the love of their parents and live with this disaffection as a normal feeling. This pain of love is all the more serious when the child is the object of abuse or violence. The consequences are serious and may affect its future relationships and behaviors.

Reasons for lack of love for a child

There are several reasons for the child's disaffection. Among them, we can mention the psychological refusal of parents to have a child, the painful and violent family history of one of the parents, the lack of time to be given to a child as a result of various professional obligations, or a psychological imbalance of the child. one of the parents ...

Consequences of lack of love in the future life of the adult.

Emotional deprivation in childhood can have quite serious consequences in adulthood.

Indifference to the suffering of others and apathy

The altruistic ability that a person develops as he grows is the result of the love he has gained since childhood. This love will allow him from birth to give him great power to develop in the future, a capacity for self-giving, love and empathy. In this case, if a child lacks love and affection, he may reproduce the same pattern as an adult. One of the major consequences is his indifference to the suffering of others and his apathy. He may not feel the pain of others and may behave in a way that is totally lacking in empathy, even affecting his social relationships.

A feeling of shame

The unloved child will always feel a sense of shame because he will not feel loved and desired enough. His self-esteem will be put to the test and will always feel abandoned, which could lead to delinquent behavior making him a marginal and excluded from the family and social circle. His successions of failure will lead him to problematic situations and his fragility will make him vulnerable to all unfortunate temptations. According to psychiatrist Serge Lebovici, a person who lacked love in his childhood will always have a feeling that he does not deserve the best; she does not imagine herself succeeding and shining in a career or in a romantic relationship.

Inability to express feelings

Lack of love in childhood influences behavior in adulthood; love is the engine that makes us faithful and authentic human beings. People who lack love will find it difficult to express their feelings and their love and will most often choose to repress them; they deprive themselves of all the joys and pleasures of affective and emotional relationships. When a person has been deprived of maternal or paternal love during his childhood, he grows up with an emotional emptiness, having nothing to give in his turn. These disaffected people are always in the unconscious expectation of love from others and may to some extent become monopolizing.

Development of aggressive behavior

A child who suffers from a lack of love may develop aggressive behavior as an adult, especially if he has been subjected to violent treatment by his parents. Abandonment, ignorance and disaffection, or the mistreatment he felt as a child, can turn into anger, resentment towards his parents or even towards society. As a result, he will develop aggressive behavior and will often use harsh words against people who might remind him of a painful period of his childhood.

Identification of symptoms of love sickness from childhood

A child in need of love will not automatically develop these symptoms into adulthood. Many people who are aware of their malaise will try to rebuild themselves psychologically either because their symptoms have been detected very early and have been taken care of, or because they have been endowed with a strong desire to 'get out.

Symptoms of emotional deprivation during childhood:
  • Anxiety
  • Inattention
  • Aggressive responses
  • General distrust
  • Difficulties expressing feelings
  • Changing behavior
  • solitude

All these deficiencies can be corrected from childhood by a therapeutic follow-up for example in order to avoid that they leave indelible traces in the future. The child of today will be the adult of tomorrow. Let's give him the love he deserves and needs for his good development and for a better future generation.
What Happens To Adults Who Have Not Been Loved During Their Childhood