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8 Signs That You Have Too Much Sugar In Your Blood (And How To Reduce It)

8 Signs That You Have Too Much Sugar In Your Blood (And How To Reduce It)

Whether you are diabetic or not, hyperglycemia results in a higher than normal concentration of glucose in the blood and when the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient or ineffective. It can appear chronically or randomly and presents various symptoms that can evolve towards major consequences for our health.

Signs That You Have Too Much Sugar In Your Blood

The 8 symptoms of hyperglycemia

We can detect a higher than normal level of sugar when the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient. Hyperglycemia begins when glucose levels exceed 1.26 g / L fasting blood. Beyond this threshold, different symptoms may appear:

Intense and constant fatigue: when a subject has hyperglycemia, it is thirstier than normal and therefore much more urine because the kidneys can no longer absorb glucose and create energy for the body causing a loss of energy which causes intense fatigue.

Intense thirst: Hyperglycemia causes thirst and polyuria. When the blood sugar level is high, the kidneys can not keep up. They therefore produce more urine to get rid of excess glucose that they can not absorb and cause dehydration.

Constant need to urinate: which says dehydration, says frequent need to hydrate by drinking a lot of water thus producing more urine.

Constant feeling of hunger: the subject in hyperglycemia feels a sensation of permanent hunger because his tissues need glucose that they can no longer absorb naturally. The body is unable to convert the ingested food into energy.

Irritability: When your blood sugar is high, you can notice irritability and stress in the short term.

Dizziness: When a subject is hyperglycaemic, the cells of the body and those of the brain in particular lack the fuel of carbohydrates. It is therefore quite possible that hyperglycemia causes dizziness.

Vision Disorders: When you have high blood glucose, you are more likely to have eye problems. High sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in your eyes over time. Do not hesitate to have your eyes checked.

Dry skin: People with hyperglycemia can experience skin drying problems because when the blood sugar level is high, the body pumps the water to urinate further causing dehydration of the skin that becomes dry.

Causes of hyperglycemia

A poor diet and the practice of a poor lifestyle and without regular physical activity are among the main causes causing a high blood sugar level. For diabetics, poor dosage or under-dosing of insulin can also trigger hyperglycemia. Not to mention recent physical or psychological stress or taking certain medications such as cortisone.

Prevention and treatments

Certain simple and healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle are more than enough to prevent the manifestation of hyperglycemia.

Regular physical activity helps lower the body's sugar level and contributes to better use of the insulin produced or injected.

A varied and healthy diet while monitoring the amount of carbohydrate in food or consulting a dietitian can significantly lower the effects and production of sugar in the blood causing hyperglycemia. Not to mention reducing the amount of fat in food, consuming more fiber and replacing sugar with stevia for example.

Apart from regular blood sugar tests, there are also several natural remedies for controlling and managing blood sugar levels. Some fruits and vegetables, spices and plants help regulate hyperglycemia and even make it disappear in the medium term.

If you want to see your sugar levels go down. Cinnamon is the perfect ingredient to lower blood sugar! Studies by Anderson, a USDA scientist, senior scientist at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, demonstrate that the most active compound of cinnamon, methylhydroxychalcone polymer (MHCP), can multiply metabolism by 20 glucose (a process that converts sugar into energy). This spice acts on insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas and responsible for the control of sugar in the blood. It is recommended to consume 1 to 6 g per day, ie ½ teaspoon (5 ml) to 1 tbsp (15 ml).

* Cinnamon is contraindicated in pregnant women, young children and people allergic to this plant.

Fenugreek consumption is also known to lower blood sugar levels. You can enjoy the benefits of these small seeds by boiling them, filtering them and consuming 2 cups of this mixture a day.

** Due to a risk of contractions or even miscarriage that fenugreek can cause, it is strongly discouraged for pregnant women,

Our lifestyle and diet have a very strong impact on our health, it is essential to make improvements constantly and lastingly.