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7 Signes That Your Man Loves You For Real

7 Signes That Your Man Loves You For Real

As we all know, men do not speak as openly as women. Even when they are in love, they prefer that their love be translated through their actions. Unlike women, they are considered loosely and very reserved when it comes to feelings.

But do not blame them too much, social pressure teaches them from childhood that too much expression is a weakness and they are supposed to be strong and tenacious to preserve the image of their "virility". However, when a man is in love, there are flagrant signs that do not fool like the following 7 things according to the book "Why we love" by Helen Fisher, about the love behavior of a man.

7 things a man will experience if he is really in love with you

1- You haunt his thoughts
When a man is in love, you are constantly in his heart and mind. You are always present in his thoughts, whether during his work hours, sports or his outings with friends. Moreover, he does not hesitate to let you know that you are in his heart and in his head permanently.

2- A man in love feels a great energy boost
With you, life is spectacular! Thanks to you and your presence, it gives off a lot of positive energy. Are you aware how powerful you are? Know that you are contributing to the increase of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in his brain; these hormones are responsible for stimulating joy and vitality.

3- He analyzes your actions
A man in love learns to observe. He pays attention to all your actions, even the smallest because these "details are perfection and perfection is not a detail", as Leonardo da Vinci would say.

4- For him, you are a priority and not an option!
You always go before everything else because you are his priority, not an option. If you happen to call him at the last minute, he will not hesitate to postpone an outing or an appointment to come see you. Similarly, if you have any problem, he supports you and you shoulder.

5- His emotions are related to yours
His moods and moods depend only on you. He shares your moments of joy as well as sorrows. All in all, you often influence his emotions and you rely heavily on him.

6- He dreams of making love with you
Indeed, it is normal for a man to dream of making love with the woman he loves. That means he is attracted to you and you seduce him. He finds you beautiful and sexy!

7- He is ready to fight for you
Finally, a man in love will never hesitate to fight for you and for your relationship to work. He will always be ready to climb the highest mountain and swim in the deepest waters to be with you, because he wants to keep you in his life.
7 Signes That Your Man Loves You For Real