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Help Your Body Regenerate Cartilage From The Hip And Knees With This Blend Of Plants

Help Your Body Regenerate Cartilage From The Hip And Knees With This Blend Of Plants

Hip, knee and shoulder pain affects an average of one in three French people. What does it mean to have joints hurt? How to cure it ? Overview of herbal medicine and its benefits on the joints.

Fragile parts of our skeleton, the joints are bone structures whose function is to connect the bones to each other. They facilitate movement thanks to the cartilage, a protective layer serving as a natural bulwark against shocks. Cartilage wear can cause local inflammation that causes pain in the joints.

How does joint pain manifest?

Constantly solicited, we carry little or no attention to the joints, until the first pains appear: sensations of stiffness, joints blocked, difficulties to bend down or up the stairs ... A weak cartilage usually leads to a series of diseases called "Rheumatism" that can affect different parts of the body. These may be due to aging of the body or simply to climate change, physical effort unsuitable or overweight. If anti-inflammatory drugs generally calm joint pain, it is strongly recommended to make permanent use of it. In this case, the best remedy is herbal medicine, that is to say the plant therapy.

The saving virtues of plants

Some plants can reduce pain, others treat cartilage.

Often used in Mediterranean cuisine, this aromatic and medicinal plant has the ability to act as a natural anti-inflammatory. This is due to its ursolic acid composition, which effectively fights infections in the cartilage, without causing any side effects. Be careful however, the essential oil of rosemary is prohibited to pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 8 years.

This plant is very often used in Mediterranean cuisine, it raises dishes and gives them a powerful taste and aroma. Thyme is known for its digestive and antiseptic virtues, yet it has another power; that of fortifying the joints thanks to its calcium content. Moreover 100g of dried thyme, there is 1890 mg of calcium.

Originally from South Asia, this spice is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It effectively repairs the areas of our body damaged by infections and detoxifies tissues. Other benefits: Turmeric tends to reduce cholesterol and stimulates digestion by promoting biliary secretion.

Used since ancient times, ginger is one of the most famous medicinal plants for its digestive properties and its ability to reduce the pain caused by rheumatism. In 2007, the University of Arizona demonstrated that gingerol, the main component of ginger, helps fight the production of inflammatory chemicals.

Recipe for herbal infusion to treat cartilage in the hip and knees


- 1 teaspoon of sage
- 1 teaspoon of thyme
- 1 teaspoon of rosemary
- 1 teaspoon of mint
- 1 liter of water

Boil water and add the herbs mentioned above. Let it steep for about five minutes over low heat. Then remove the mixture from the heat and let stand a few minutes before placing in the fridge. You can add a spoonful of honey to your brew to soften the taste.
We recommend drinking one cup on an empty stomach in the morning and another before going to bed at night. Soon you will be able to notice the alleviation of pain.


Sage is contraindicated in pregnant or lactating women because it makes the lactation dry up. Its use is prohibited for people with epilepsy and kidney failure.

The medicinal use of thyme should generally not exceed 3 weeks. The essential oil is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding and in children under 3 years.
Help Your Body Regenerate Cartilage From The Hip And Knees With This Blend Of Plants