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A Detox Cure Of Sugar To Eliminate In 7 Days

A Detox Cure Of Sugar To Eliminate In 7 Days

Sugar is a drug, just like alcohol and tobacco, so it must be seriously controlled. When we consume too much sugar, the immune system weakens, making us more vulnerable to germs, viruses and harmful bacteria. On the other hand, sugar reduces the desire to eat nutritious foods such as vegetables, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies, and cause overweight or even obesity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has already warned against excessive consumption of sugar: the recommended amount for a healthy diet should be less than 6 teaspoons per day (less than 25 grams).

The effects of sugar on the body may vary depending on its origin; fructose (fruits and vegetables) and glucose (refined carbohydrates, biscuits and bread), the latter is the most dangerous.

How does sugar affect your health?

Brain performance is getting worse
A diet high in sugar damages the brain and reduces its ability to store new memories or knowledge for a longer time.

Kidney failure
A large amount of sugar causes the kidneys to suffer because it forces them to make more effort to filter the blood. Years of excessive sugar filtration can cause kidney failure.

Joint pain
Excess sugar consumption causes cellular inflammation that increases joint pain.

Reduces the feeling of satiety: Sugar activates the pleasure areas of the brain, which reduces the feeling of being satisfied by eating.

Accelerates Aging: This food decreases the production of collagen and elastin, two substances that give the skin a healthy, youthful appearance.

Weight gain: Excess fructose and glucose are converted into fat in the liver, increasing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Oxidation of cells: Sugar accelerates the process of oxidation of cells. This can develop liver disease, kidney failure and cataracts.

Triggers an addiction: Consuming sugar leads to the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that causes the craving for more of the substance that produces pleasure.

Low energy: Although excessive consumption of glucose causes a feeling of energy, we must keep in mind that this is a short-lived effect because it often happens that the "fall" causes a great deal of energy. exhaustion.

Follow this 7-day detox course to remove sugar from your body

1st day
  • Breakfast: spinach with cheese, baked eggs and sugar-free green tea
  • Morning snack: a handful of raw almonds
  • Lunch: baked peppers, green salad and a fillet of steamed fish
  • Dinner: spinach with cooked stuffed chicken, cucumber salad with feta cheese

2nd day
  • Breakfast: 2 cooked eggs or a cup of oatmeal with almonds, berries and seeds.
  • Morning snack:: A handful of nuts
  • Lunch: spinach and chicken peppers
  • Afternoon snack: raw vegetables
  • Dinner: sautéed spinach, peppers, mushrooms, lettuce and turkey fillet

3rd day
  • Breakfast: Banana Smoothie and Peanut Butter
  • Snack: 2 boiled egg whites
  • Lunch: salad of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce with vinegar and olive oil and a fillet of fish in the oven
  • Afternoon snack: Frittata with feta cheese
  • Dinner: light vegetable soup and grilled chicken with some fresh herbs

4th day
  • Breakfast: A slice of toast, a slice of ricotta and a green tea without sugar
  • Morning snack:: an apple
  • Lunch: grilled chicken salad with coriander and sautéed greens
  • Afternoon snack: celery with peanut butter - no sugar
  • Dinner: Baked zucchini and stewed chicken

5th day
  • Breakfast: 2 cooked eggs or a cup of oatmeal with almonds, berries and seeds.
  • Morning snack:: raw vegetables with feta
  • Lunch: green salad with tomatoes, peppers (with vinegar and extra virgin olive oil), and vegetable soup
  • Afternoon snack: Feta cheese salad, tomatoes
  • Dinner: Baked fish and green beans

6th day
  • Breakfast: A slice of toast, ricotta and a green tea without sugar
  • Morning snack:: raw vegetables with feta
  • Lunch: spinach and chicken peppers
  • Afternoon snack: a pear
  • Dinner: Lemon Garlic Chicken Drumsticks and Zucchini Noodle

7th day
  • Breakfast: Mushrooms, sautéed spinach and scrambled eggs, a tea without sugar
  • Morning snack:: ½ cup of cottage cheese
  • Lunch: Zucchini noodles and light vegetable soup
  • Afternoon snack: A handful of raw almonds
  • Dinner: Salad of green beans and chicken drumsticks