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How To Treat Diabetes, Ulcers, Lower Your Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels With Fig

How To Treat Diabetes, Ulcers, Lower Your Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels With Fig

Fig, fruit of the fig tree especially cultivated in the Mediterranean basin abounds in numerous health benefits by its energetic value.

Rich in nutrients, the fig is recognized for its antidiabetic, anti-cholesterol and anti-cancer properties and can be used as a treatment against various disorders thanks to the presence of minerals, vitamins and fibers it contains, not to mention its leaves used in herbal medicine or homeopathy as a poultice, decoction or oil. This fruit is also an excellent source of antioxidants.

The benefits of the fig and its leaves on health are extremely varied thanks to the presence of vitamins, minerals and fibers. This fruit has in its entirety a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, E, iron, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Its virtues are recognized in prevention and treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and constipation among others.

Benefits of fig on diabetes

A study published in 1998 in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice found that fig leaves help control the blood sugar levels of insulin-dependent diabetics.

In fact, the American Association Against Diabetes recommends fig leaves to reduce the amount of insulin in people with diabetes. It is its richness in potassium that promotes the control of the amount of sugar absorbed into the body after meals by reducing the frequency of falls and peaks in blood sugar. The infusion of fig leaves is very often used to prevent and treat diabetes.

Infusion with fig leaves:
  • 3 fig leaves
  • 1 liter of water
  • ¼ to ½ teaspoon of vanilla (optional)

Rinse the fig leaves well and place them in a glass container. Boil 1 liter of water that you pour into the bottle and leave it cool overnight.

Benefits of fig on bad cholesterol and triglycerides

The fig contains pectin which is a soluble fiber. When it moves through the digestive system, it essentially cleanses excess cholesterol and removes it from the body.

The risk of getting heart disease is higher if triglyceride levels are high. Although they represent a large energy reserve, they can be harmful to health when they are too much in the blood. As for cholesterol, fig also has a significant advantage over the control of triglycerides on which it has a real significant effect.

Benefits of the fig on ulcers

The fig is also ideal to rid the body and especially the stomach, harmful bacteria and other diseases such as ulcers already complicated to treat. In addition to containing protective enzymes that protect the walls of the stomach and prevent stomach imbalances, its high content of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, effectively fight attacks and the spread of harmful bacteria. The fibers also present in the fig, facilitate the passage of food in the digestive tract by eliminating bloating or constipation or gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers.

Medicinal remedy with fig:
  • 40 dried figs
  • Olive oil

Mince the figs in olive oil for 40 to 45 days and consume one or two every morning on an empty stomach for 7 to 10 consecutive days.

You can also chew 2 to 3 fig leaves every day if you want to get rid of an ulcer.

- Fig leaves can have some toxicity in allergy sufferers. The latex contained in its leaves can be a source of various symptoms, itching and rashes. Also having a laxative effect, it is advisable to consume the fig in a relatively moderate way. Prefer the advice of your doctor before consumption.
Treat Diabetes, Ulcers, Lower Your Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels With Fig