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There Is A Simple And Natural Way To Stop Snoring

There Is A Simple And Natural Way To Stop Snoring

Sleep is essential to the proper functioning of the body. However, the latter may be disturbed by high room temperature, uncomfortable positions, exposure and consumption of stimulants before bedtime or by: snoring. Whether it is our partner's or ours, these unwanted noises put the quality of our sleep at risk.

Snoring is illustrated by unconsciously induced noises during sleeper sleep. This phenomenon is explained by a narrowing or obstruction of the upper airways vibrating loose tissues of the palate, uvula and tongue. The key: a more or less intense noise and characteristic snoring.

Often, these are caused or aggravated by nasal obstruction (allergy, rhinitis, colds, sinusitis), overweight, consumption of certain drugs or alcohol, smoking, digestion, poor sleep position or deformity. the nasal septum.

Fortunately, snoring is rarely synonymous with severity and can be relieved with remedies and natural techniques. Among these, we find the natural anti-snoring drink. Here is the recipe!

The natural anti-snoring drink

  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger root
  • ¼ lemon

First, wash the ingredients and cut them out. Then, put them in a juice extractor to preserve the nutrients and vitamins of all the ingredients. Finally, keep the juice in an airtight glass bottle.

To reduce excess slime in the throat or nose and prevent snoring-related illnesses, consume this juice regularly for a few hours (one to two hours) before going to sleep. In the long term, you will notice a relief from snoring, a better quality of sleep and a better tone.

The benefits of the ingredients:

The apple: With a high pectin content, the apple contains vitamin C and antioxidants that improve the immune system. It also improves the respiratory function, reducing inflammatory responses, given its composition of polyphenols and flavonoids, and prevent the occurrence of diseases causing snoring. Note that it contains fructose and sorbitol, sugars that can be difficult to digest in sensitive people and inducing bloating, gas and diarrhea.

Carrot: Source of vitamin A and antioxidants (beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin among others), the carrot maintains the good functioning of the body, fighting against the effects of free radicals, and stimulates the immune system. In this way, it protects against infections and protects the lungs, for better breathing and less snoring. However, the carrot would be involved in the oral allergy syndrome, an allergic reaction caused by certain proteins found in fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Ginger: With its antioxidant content including gingerols, shogaols and paradols, ginger has effective anti-inflammatory properties in case of colds, flu or allergies. In addition, it has a decongestant effect and expectorant action, beneficial to release the airways and relieve snoring. Similarly, its beneficial thermogenic action on weight, ie by increasing metabolism and fat burning, reduces the snoring associated with overweight and obesity. Note that ginger is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with blood disorders, diabetics and weak people.

Lemon: Known for its high vitamin C content and its antioxidant content, lemon has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in protecting the body and boosting the immune system. Similarly, it promotes the fluidification of nasal secretions, responsible for snoring. However, in case of kidney, biliary and digestive disorders (burns or stomach ulcers), consumption of lemon is not recommended.
There Is A Simple And Natural Way To Stop Snoring