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If Your Email Address Is In This List, Change Your Password

If Your Email Address Is In This List, Change Your Password

Computer security experts have found a list of spam containing a rather extraordinary number of email addresses; 711 million in total. According to these experts, the release of this private data stems from a failure in an intrusive spammer presenting all its collected information, including sensitive data such as the password of certain accounts.

Here are the risks most likely to affect the confidentiality of your information:
With the simple act of opening a profile on a social network, having an email account, making purchases online or a simple search on Google, we leave our traces on the Internet. The first level of defense we must take is to know the threats that can affect us to take the most appropriate protection measures.

Although the risks that may affect the confidentiality of our information are very varied, here are the risks most likely to affect the confidentiality of your privacy:

Theft or loss of devices
This is perhaps the most classic threat that can affect the confidentiality of our data. So taking preventive measures such as encrypting the data so that nobody can see our information or make backups will help us be more protected against these threats.

There is malware that monitors all our activities and backs up photos, videos and even passwords and credit card numbers. They are part of the big arsenal of cybercriminals to violate our privacy.

Misuse of technology
It is obvious that the inappropriate use of technology could also put our information at risk: such as connecting to an unsecured Wi-Fi network, not managing the geolocation features, or not updating the applications we use. This can lead to a security breach that could affect the privacy of our private data.

Free services ... Attention!
Many of these providers, in exchange for their free services, use our data to share with third parties. So the price we pay for providing our information and data is an issue we should not neglect.

If your email address is in this list, change your password immediately
Initially discovered by a computer security researcher, known as Benkow, the spambot contains two kinds of separate lists, the first simply contains e-mail addresses while the second contains both addresses and passwords.

You can check if your e-mail address is on the list by accessing www.haveibeenpwned.com, an anti-hacker site, managed by Australian computer security expert Troy Hunt, which details e-mail addresses. mail and hacked passwords.

If your address is in this list, change your password on any websites you have used in the past or are currently using. In addition, if you receive suspicious e-mails - often disguised as invoices - do not open them, because it could be malicious software designed to steal your bank details.

It was concluded that the spambot was stealing information by sending a tiny image of a single pixel. When the recipient opens the email, their data and IP address are sent automatically to the server where the file is hosted.
Email Address Is In This List, Change Your Password