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This Is How To Eliminate The Liters Of Water Retained In Your Body

This Is How To Eliminate The Liters Of Water Retained In Your Body

Edema is characterized by the presence of liquids outside the blood vessels. This circulatory disorder spreads in various tissues - such as connective tissue - thus causing swelling. In addition, edema - also called "water retention" - is often seen in the ankle and above the feet. We present you in this article, 6 tips proven to eliminate it.

What are the most common causes of water retention?

During pregnancy, the woman often suffers from water retention because the body of a pregnant woman contains more water and is subject to poor circulation. This, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy, becomes lazy and the venous return is thus disturbed.

Prolonged immobility or physical inactivity:
It is important to emphasize the importance of physical exercise for the blood circulation. If you remain inactive, the blood will accumulate in your legs thus causing strong pressure in the capillaries.

Drugs that may lead to water retention include:
  • Drugs that contain estrogen
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Beta-blockers used to treat abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Kidney failure

If blood flow to the kidneys is affected, waste and fluids are not disposed of properly, which can lead to water retention.

Here are 6 proven tips to eliminate water retention:

Balance your sodium intake
Daily sodium intake is important because it helps regulate your body's water balance. However, sodium can also cause dehydration if you consume large amounts. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it should not exceed 5 or 6 g of salt or 2.4 g of sodium per day.

Eat foods rich in vitamin B6
Vitamins of complex B are water-soluble vitamins necessary for the metabolism of fats and proteins. They are also essential for the formation of blood cells, as well as for the proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system and to limit edema.

Eat fresh foods because overcooking and long-term canning reduces vitamin B6 intake. Excellent sources of vitamin B include: turkey, whole grains, oatmeal, bananas.

Increase your potassium intake
Potassium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of cells, tissues and organs of the body. It is also an electrolyte that helps maintain a normal balance of water in the body. Potassium is present in almost all fruits, but is found in large quantities in melon and watermelon.

Keep your body hydrated
Although this seems unthinkable, water retention usually occurs in the early stages of dehydration. When the body loses fluids, it compensates for this loss by holding back the water to survive.

Avoid processed foods
Processed foods such as prepared foods, canned vegetables and junk foods (pizza, fries, fries, etc.) are notoriously rich in salt and hydrogenated fats and are often associated with water retention.

Increase your daily magnesium intake
If you do not consume enough magnesium and minerals, the water can not find its way to your cells and begins to accumulate in the extremities. You'll find the excellent sources of magnesium in nuts, whole grains, dark chocolate and green leafy vegetables. In addition, you can also take supplements: The recommended daily dose is 200 mg per day.

Sea salt is also recommended to treat edema because it is very rich in minerals (not to be confused with table salt).
This Is How To Eliminate The Liters Of Water Retained In Your Body