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My Life Begin The Day I Became Selfish

My Life Begin The Day I Became Selfish

Egoism can take many forms. To tend to favor one's interest to the detriment of others is certainly commonplace in today's world, but this temperament can also be life-saving in many cases and at many levels of our lives even if it is obviously a "politically incorrect" one. according to some. Only a little change of approach and perspective allows us to focus on ourselves and, in a way, protect ourselves.

When we take a step back from the notion of selfishness and conduct a healthy reflection on the subject, we can realize that if everyone cared more about himself, fewer people would be unhappy. If we do not take care of ourselves, then how can we take care of others?

Perceived as a real defect, people often have easy criticism of the idea of selfishness, without trying to understand what the needs of the person they are blaming are, or what are the prerequisites for their personal balance. and psychological and at the same time, to his happiness.

Melissa Deuter, assistant professor at the Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, shares this view and states that "selfishness is an ugly word but it can mean two things. different things: One, is that a selfish person to protect himself is nasty and discredit the others. The other is that she takes responsibility for satisfying her personal, emotional and physical needs, and that this is an important part of her adult life. "

Bob Rosen, founder of "Healthy Companies International", a psychologist and bestselling author, adds, "When you take care of yourself first, you are a healthy person with a sense of life." Nothing to do with egoism which tends to privilege his interests to the detriment of those of others.

So privileging a notion of egoism by refocusing on oneself allows to benefit from the four advantages that we enumerate below:

You will be in better health
Although the criticisms and disapproval that will ensue will be multiple, instead of spending their energy to care for others and their interests, people who tend towards egoism focus it on their own needs sometimes in decline. In the short or medium term, they find a renewed energy, a regeneration of their minds and bodies.

You benefit from a real advantage in a leadership role
As Melissa Deuter states, "Selfish people are more confident and less likely to give up their goals." "They go after what they want without fear and they are not afraid to ask for augmentation or promotion. Bob Rosen confirms that selfish people have a real motivation to succeed: "It is often more important to be a great leader in caring for others. But if you can not take care of yourself, you can not take care of others.

You will have better relationships
Contrary to what one might think, selfish people by choice and not by nature, are not incapable of loving. They use this form of protection to no longer deal with people who tend to manipulate or take advantage of them. Moreover, Melissa Deuter confirms this fact by ensuring that defining certain limits simply means that a person knows where she is and that she has perceived that freedom of the self starts where others stop. . Leave to choose ...

You will be happier
Obviously, thinking of yourself with selfishness would make us much happier. Because by the functioning of our society, we live certainly in a selfish world, but which by the force of things, paradoxically forces us to adopt a notion of obligation of solidarity, where it becomes inconceivable not to worry about happiness. others, sometimes at the expense of our own happiness. All this does not make us happy and almost forbids us to focus on ourselves.

The important thing in this principle of selfishness is to take into consideration one's own happiness, one's own interest, and to pay attention to one's person. Moreover, once we take care of ourselves, we are well then we care better about others.
My Life Begin The Day I Became Selfish