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The 3 Most Painful Things That A Narcissist Will Do To You

The 3 Most Painful Things That A Narcissist Will Do To You

According to the Greek myth, the hunter Narcisse saw his own reflection in the water as he quenched his thirst at a spring and fell in love with it. He never ceased to admire himself until he died of this impossible love. In our day, the term "narcissistic" is used to describe anyone who has an exaggerated love of themselves and their own image.

The characteristics of narcissistic people
This love of oneself and one's own image is reflected in certain attitudes and behaviors, some of which are:

It's as if the world revolves around them.
Narcissistic people are so focused on themselves that they forget about others, for whom they feel neither empathy nor consideration.

They feel superior
They expect to be treated differently than others, with more consideration and consideration. They display a certain arrogance and are haughty.

In search of prestige
Narcissistic people have a horror of failure and they do everything to succeed in what they undertake, which generally comes down to the acquisition of a high status.

In search of admiration and gratitude
Narcissistic people are always looking for praise, compliments and consideration, which they always take for granted when they are witnessed.

Desperate to achieve their ends
Narcissistic people are totally indifferent to the needs and feelings of others, they do not hesitate to exploit them, to use them, even to manipulate them to achieve their ends.

The narcissistic pervert
If anyone can have any of these narcissistic attitudes without becoming an illness, in some people they are so deeply rooted in their personality that it has been identified as a personality disorder in full share: the narcissistic personality disorder, or the narcissistic perversion.

Narcissistic perverts can not help hurting their loved ones. They are toxic people suffering from a real mental illness of which only the victims know all the evil of which they are capable.

Frequent narcissistic pervert
At the beginning of the relationship with a narcissistic pervert, he will be pampered with you, covering you with attention. You will feel understood, heard and loved, often as never before.

The main goal of this technique is to trap you in a state of emotional dependence by getting used to ongoing care and attention until you become addicted.

Then, once fallen into his trap, the narcissistic pervert will change his attitude. Here are three things you will do if you stay.

1. After a passionate phase, the dreadful descent
After this first phase of his Machiavellian plan, this torrent of affection, which will end suddenly when you least expect it, the narcissistic pervert will stop all these treatments he granted you overnight.

He will become cold and distant, begin to criticize you, devalue you, and will constantly show you his disappointment with you.

You will come to believe that the problem comes from you and you will start to make more and more effort to regain your past care and attention.

Then, the narcissistic pervert will blow the hot and cold alternating phases "honeymoon" and those where it will make you feel unimportant.

2. "Cognitive diversion"
The narcissistic pervert will use the technique of cognitive diversion to disorient you. When you accuse him of having changed, he will make sure that you are wrong and that the problem comes from you. It will make you doubt your perception of the facts and use expressions such as "I never said that", "You always take things too much to heart", "It looks like it's my fault" or "I did not know you were so sensitive. "

Convinced that you are in the wrong and trying to bring your relationship back to what it was before, you will question yourself and seek to repair the mistakes you have made.

3. Comparison and devaluation
The narcissist will take as an example of people around you, even complete strangers to whom it will compare you for the sole purpose of devaluing you and make you feel humiliated and jealous so that you want to compete with this person and that you are doing everything to regain your esteem and approval.

4. Leave without saying goodbye
There is only one thing to do if you want to maintain your sanity and save yourself worries and torments, because the narcissistic pervert will never again like the beginning of your relationship: stay away.
The 3 Most Painful Things That A Narcissist Will Do To You