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Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others

In summer, when you spend a long day under the sun, you have only one desire: Take a good refreshing shower, and go throw in the arms of Morpheus. Alas! Morpheus can not do anything for you if these little demonic creatures called mosquitoes, decide to invite you to your room! But why always me? Would you tell me. Here are the 7 reasons why some people get bitten more than others.

There is no doubt that mosquitoes are one of the cruelest creatures in the universe. Like true vampires, they are able to transform your life into an ordeal, just to feed on your blood. Even more execrable: These sadistic creatures do not bite anyone! They are very selective, and choose their victims according to very specific criteria! Here are the reasons why mosquitoes prefer to bite some people more than others.

Your blood is part of the blood type"O":
A study conducted by a team of researchers at the Chiba Institute of Pest Management Technology in Japan found that people with "O" type blood are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than others. Unlike people who have blood of group "A", which apparently, is not very appetizing for these little sadistic creatures.

The researchers added that some people make mosquito work easier without knowing it. And this, emit signals that help these small critters to identify their blood groups.

You have a strong silhouette:
According to the scientists, people who are overweight, or have a body that is stronger and chubby than average, have a higher risk of being bitten by a mosquito. But why ? Indeed, mosquitoes use CO2 to locate their victims, and they can feel it even when they are very far from you!

And as you probably already know, the higher a person's weight, the more CO2 they use. It is for this reason that mosquitoes locate overweight people more easily than others.

You are pregnant :
A study in The Gambia found that mosquitoes are more attracted to pregnant women. The authors of the study claimed that there are two main reasons that make pregnant women more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes: The first is that they emit a significant amount of carbon dioxide, the second is that the temperature of their abdomens becomes higher than those of other people.

You have just completed a sports activity:
According to specialists, mosquitoes often attack people who have just finished a sports activity. This is explained by the fact that the practice of sport contributes to considerably increase the rate of lactic acid in your organism, and to increase the temperature of your body. These two factors help mosquitoes to find you more easily, and make you the preferred victim of these small critters.

You have just consumed alcohol:
Just like practicing sports, alcohol consumption contributes significantly to increasing the temperature of your body. And because mosquitoes love heat and humidity, the consumption of alcoholic beverages will make you an easy prey for them.

You wear red or dark clothes:
Mosquitoes do not just use their sense of smell to choose victims. According to Jonathan Day, professor of entomology at the University of Florida in the United States, mosquitoes can not fly easily in the air, so they try to stay close to the ground, and compare the silhouettes of their victims with the horizon. That's why people who wear dark clothes are easier to detect.

Your body produces substances that attract mosquitoes:
According to specialists, people who secrete a significant amount of uric acid, lactic acid or cholesterol are more likely to attract mosquitoes.

How to avoid mosquito bites?

Here are some simple and effective tips against mosquito bites:

- Use anti-mosquito sprays.
- Choose light colors with dark colors.
- Avoid using too sweet perfumes, mosquitoes love it.
- Clean your skin regularly to avoid excessive sweating.
- Turn off all your lights during the night.
- Wear loose clothing and cover your skin.
- In the event of a bite, immediately apply a cold compress on the affected area.
- If after the bite of the mosquito, you feel symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or breathing difficulty, consult your doctor immediately.