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Several Countries Have Banned Wifi And Mobile Phones Near Schools And Kindergarten

Several Countries Have Banned Wifi And Mobile Phones Near Schools And Kindergarten

Several Countries Have Banned Wifi And Mobile Phones Around Schools And Nurseries

The harmful effects of wifi and smartphones are well established. Experts continue to urge people to reduce their use and keep them as far away from their children as possible. It is for this reason that several countries in the world, including France, have taken the initiative to ban their use in schools. Discover all the harmful effects of smartphones and wifi in this article.

The excessive use of electronic devices has become a real scourge in our time. Several people from different age groups and social categories have developed a kind of addiction to their smartphones, and other devices. And few are able to get rid of this addiction, which is becoming increasingly worrying and worrying for health professionals. Today, we will share with you a list of the harmful effects caused by the prolonged use of wifi and smartphones.

Canada, Finland, Belgium, Israel and the list is still long, are all part of those countries that have invested thousands of euros, to conduct awareness campaigns on the dangers of prolonged use of electronic devices in children. But France has finally dared to take the plunge, and ban the use of smartphones and tablets in all primary schools and colleges.

From the start of 2018/2019, the use of smartphones and tablets in schools will be strictly prohibited, and school teachers will finally have the right to confiscate the phones of children who do not respect this new rule. Something they could not do before the implementation of this law that will revolutionize the French education system.

It should also be noted that this decision was not made overnight. Indeed, education and health specialists have all mobilized for a few years to raise awareness about the dangers of addiction to screens. And it is for this reason that the French government has decided to take this initiative, which some people describe as being too strict and severe. If you are one of the critics of this decision, keep reading this article ...

What does science say about using smartphones and wifi?
When it comes to demonstrating the negative effects of prolonged use of smartphones and wifi, scientific studies are not what is missing! Several researchers around the world agree that they have very negative effects on the health of children, fetuses and even animals.

According to a study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Utah in the United States, electromagnetic fields emitted by smartphones, and wifi receivers have a negative impact on the mental abilities of children, because they are more sensitive to radiation. The image below shows the brain of a 5-year-old child exposed to electromagnetic fields (left), the brain of a 10-year-old child exposed to electromagnetic fields (in the middle), and finally the brain of a adult person exposed to electromagnetic fields (right).

Another study by the Brookhaven national laboratory in the United States has also shown that a 50-minute exposure to the electromagnetic fields of smartphones is capable of causing an increase in glucose metabolism in the brain. This can cause several dysfunctions such as: impaired mental abilities, concentration problems, stress and insomnia.

mobile phones

How to fight against addiction to screens in children?
Screen addiction can cause many physical and psychological problems in children. This is why it is very important to implement a strategy to prevent them being dependent on their electronic devices. Here are some effective and simple tips to follow:

- Educate your children, and explain to them all the dangers that prolonged use of smartphones and tablets can have on their physical and psychological health.

- Encourage your children to perform sports activities that will help them to fight sedentary lifestyles, and to evacuate their stress while having fun.

- Plan penalties, and apply them when your children use their electronic devices too often.

- Install parental control software in all your children's electronics. These will give you the ability to control the duration of internet connection, downloaded applications, as well as the sites that your children access.

- If your children can not get away from their electronic devices, remember to turn off your wifi router.

- If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to cure your child's addiction, it is strongly recommended that you consult a specialist in order to benefit from appropriate support.