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Once You've Learned These 5 Brutal Truths About Life, You'll Be A Much Better Person

Once You've Learned These 5 Brutal Truths About Life, You'll Be A Much Better Person

We must all overcome obstacles throughout our lives. Sometimes we try to deny these difficulties because they weigh on us and they are difficult to bear. But as hard as they may be, these obstacles are necessary in order to be able to understand life. According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness consists in accepting even the negative aspects of life, and these 5 truths about life according to Buddhism are important for leading a fulfilling life.

By denying all negativity, we close our eyes to reality and resist the natural forces of the universe. Here's what we need to understand:

1) To worry is useless
Worrying only happens in our minds and really does not solve any problem in our life. Can worry really change what's going to happen or what's going on? No, it's a waste of time.

According to Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh, try to stay in the present moment without putting plans for your future conditions of happiness. Even if you worry twenty times, it will not change your situation, nor the situation of the world. In reality, your anxiety will only make things worse.

Even if things do not go the way you want, you can always be satisfied, as long as you do your best and continue to do so. Be happy in the present moment. Do not expect better conditions that will bring you more happiness.

2) If we want to be happy, we have to see the reality for what it is
Buddhism teaches that you must see reality for what it is if you want to be truly free. Instead of always being locked in your own ideas and opinions, you must remain open and accept everything that is true.

Many people try to stay positive by avoiding all negative emotions and situations. However, we must confront them and accept them if we really want to be free.

According to the Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön, we have two alternatives: either we accept our fixed versions of reality, or we begin to challenge them. According to Buddha, training to remain open and curious, and to practice dissolving our assumptions and beliefs, is the best use of our human life.

3) We must accept change
Life is a change, you come into this world and after you die. Whatever aspect you look at in life, everything changes. Many people try to keep things fixed and constant. However, it goes against the forces and laws of the universe. By accepting change, it frees us and gives us enormous energy to create the life we want.

According to Japanese Buddhist Daisaku Ikeda accepting change allows us to take initiatives and create positive changes in our lives. Moreover, Buddhism advocates the fact that everything is constantly changing.

So the question is whether you have to accept change passively or if you need to take the initiative and create positive change in your life.

In Buddhism, conservatism and self-protection are equated with winter, night and death, the innovative spirit that seeks to realize its ideals is likened to images of spring, morning and birth.

4) The root of suffering is the pursuit of ephemeral feelings
We are all thirsty for feelings of happiness. We think that happiness includes excitement, joy, and euphoria, whereas these are only temporary versions of happiness. The constant pursuit of these feelings is only suffering because they never last. Instead, true happiness comes from inner peace. It is by being happy with what you have and what you are.

According to Buddhism, the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor even the sadness. On the contrary, the true root of suffering is this endless and uninteresting pursuit of ephemeral feelings, which incites us to be constantly in a state of tension, agitation, and dissatisfaction. With this pursuit, the mind is never satisfied.

5) Meditation is the way to reduce suffering
Meditation teaches us that everything is ephemeral, including our feelings. It teaches us that the present moment is all that exists and that it is the most important. And when we really understand this truth, we are content with what we have.

During meditation, you are expected to closely observe your mind and body, witness the resurgence of all your feelings, and realize how futile it is to pursue them. When the pursuit stops, the mind becomes very relaxed, clear and satisfied.
Once You've Learned These 5 Brutal Truths About Life, You'll Be A Much Better Person