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Study Confirms That People Who Struggle To Get Out Of Bed Are Smarter

Study Confirms That People Who Struggle To Get Out Of Bed Are Smarter

We often say that a person is "smart" without knowing what it really means. It then becomes much easier to reduce intelligence to particularly specific and not necessarily relevant faculties. Therefore, science remains the only reliable way to determine what intelligence is and how it can manifest itself in the individual.

What is intelligence?
For many years, an idea has spread to become banal and according to which the intelligence would be measurable by the IQ. It is actually a criterion invented in 1905 by Albert Binet and reworked several times later, and contrary to what many believe, this test measures mainly logic, language and memory. In other words, it is about useful abilities in school, which has long led people to believe that being smart meant being good at maths and vocabulary.

But in 1983, Howard Gardner will publish Frames of Minds: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence. In this book, he sheds light on horizons previously unexplored on the theme of intelligence by being the first to speak of the principle of "multiple intelligences" according to which there would be 8 different kinds instead of one : logico-mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial, naturalist-ecologist, musical-rhythmic, corporal-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and verbo-linguistic.

These eight forms of intelligence would exist in each of us, more or less developed. The structure that this mixture of intelligence will take is partly defined by the genetic factor, knowing that the rest will evolve as a result of the experiences we experience and the influences of our environment.

This habit that you have could be a sign of your intelligence
Are you the type that needs a real racket to get out of bed in the morning? Do you ever mistreat your alarm clock until it stops bothering you?

If you are part of these people, science has good news for you because according to her, it is very likely that you are very intelligent and happier than those who manage to jump out of bed at the first stroke. 'alarm.

According to the study, "Why night owls are smarter," people who sleep while still able to control their sleep and waking are smarter, more creative and generally happier than those who do not.

This research conducted by researchers Satoshi Kanazawa and Kaja Perina, suggests that as the "momentary stop" button is an invention that humans have only recently known, it proves that we are not, basically, made to sleep while ignorant of the duties of life.

A greater capacity for self-control
From there, the scientists hypothesized that being able to press this button repeatedly and become familiar with such a rhythm of life involving being able to ignore external stimuli, which are doomed to wake us up, would be a sign of intelligence and more specifically of self-management.

In this case, overriding the conventional rule of getting up as soon as you hear the alarm literally means that you are acting according to the needs of your body rather than following that process, which, according to the The authors of the study would mean more creativity, independence and a greater ability to solve problems effectively.

It is also worth recalling that there is a 1998 study by researchers at the University of Souhampton, which showed that people who slept after 23h while waking up after 8h were happier and more money. Who knows ? Maybe all this should remind us that we should be more independent and autonomous in our thinking and doing things in order to have a better life? It's worth a try!
Study Confirms That People Who Struggle To Get Out Of Bed Are Smarter