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In 2019, I Get Rid Of The Toxic People Of My Life And Make My Happiness A Priority

In 2019, I Get Rid Of The Toxic People Of My Life And Make My Happiness A Priority

As each end of the year, we need to draw up the right resolutions for the following year. One of the most important resolutions is to put an end to all the toxicity of your life, get away from those people who irritate you and focus on you, on your person. This person who works hard every day and who deserves to be OK!

In 2019, I do not allow the presence of toxic people in my life. I will not feel guilty about not answering calls, not texting, or not going out with someone who has hurt me. I no longer need this toxicity in my life because I am mature and take care of my self.

In 2019, I will never let myself believe that I was wrong to leave. Move away from people, places or situations that do not serve me and do not serve my well-being. It makes me strong! And if they do not understand that, then that's their problem. I will block their number if necessary, but I will not put my happiness in danger anymore. My inner peace is my priority.

In 2019, I will make efforts in the areas I like. I will not waste my energy worrying about those who do not care about me. I will not waste my time in unimportant things. I will rather follow this passion that bubbles in me. I will focus on myself. I will fix and focus on new goals and forget everything else. I realized that my time is precious and that the years pass quickly, as much to devote myself to the things that I like the most and enjoy!

In 2019, I will take better care of my mental health. I will take a day off if I start shaking for no reason. Anxiety is a disease and I will treat it accordingly. I will take deep breaths instead of a few glasses of alcohol. When I feel bad and lost, I will consult my therapist to guide me and not let my emotions eat away at me.

In 2019, I will improve the relationship with myself. I will stop wishing to look different. I'm going to stop thinking that I'm not good enough, not good enough, not smart enough ... I'll be more empathetic with myself. I will be kinder and more affectionate to myself. Because at the end of the day, I only have me. And we are all beautiful and exceptional as we are.

In 2019, I will stop complaining about those who do not know my true value. I will show more gratitude and gratitude for those who are there every day to support and cherish me. Instead of wanting something that I can not have, I'm going to start being grateful for all the wonderful things I have in life.

In 2019, I will leave my comfort zone more often. I will not stay stuck in one place. I will not settle for the average. I will take risks. I will try to discover myself and go into the unknown. Because the scariest things are usually the ones that bring us the most satisfaction in the end.

That's why I do not hold back anymore. I will put aside all my fears and worries and I will get there. Because in 2019, I will enjoy every moment. And I promise myself that it will be a memorable year.
In 2019, I Eliminate The Toxic People Of My Life And Make My Happiness A Priority