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An Effective Natural Recipe For Rebuilding Bones And Knee Joints

An Effective Natural Recipe For Rebuilding Bones And Knee Joints

According to Inserm, 39% of women over 65 are affected by osteoporosis. This weakening of the bones is responsible for many fractures, in particular that of the neck of the femur. To naturally prevent the disease, here is a recipe that can treat the knee joints and allow the reconstruction of the bone.

As you get older, the volume of the bone decreases. Osteoporosis amplifies the pain, let alone the risk of fracture. Indeed, this disease leads to a decrease in bone strength due to excessive loss of its mass and structure. To prevent and fight against it, there are several remedies in nature.

A natural recipe for joints and bones

  • 3 tablespoons of grapes
  • 40 grams of pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons agar-agar
  • 4 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 8 tablespoons flax seeds
Using a blender, mix all the ingredients for a few minutes to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Then pour the contents into a container and store in the refrigerator.

Use Eat a spoon of this preparation before breakfast and another before lunch.

A highly recommended composition for bones

Pumpkin seeds: Sources of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, they are real nutraceuticals with antioxidant effect, perfect for bones. A study has shown that, thanks to their magnesium content, these seeds prevent osteoporosis and allow the restructuring of the bone.

Grapes: Grapes are very useful in preventing osteoporosis. Thanks to its high boron content, a chemical element that helps build bone, and potassium, grapes help strengthen bones and stimulate bone growth. It is also a source of calcium, especially when it is dry (50mg of calcium / 100g of raisins), of which most of our bones are made up.

Agar-agar: A component that can replace gelatin, it helps to solidify bones. Agar-agar is very rich in calcium, which consists of bones. This natural substitute for gelatin can therefore prevent the risks associated with osteoporosis.

Organic honey: Amino acids, responsible for the transport of nutrients in the body, present in organic honey allow better absorption of calcium by the bones. Rich in nutrients, honey helps to strengthen the joints and has a positive impact on bone density, especially at the time of menopause, according to a scientific study.

Flax seeds: Always thanks to the high concentration of amino acids contained in flaxseed, calcium is more easily fixed on the bones, which are therefore solidified. Research has shown that taking regular flaxseed on a body that lacks estrogen can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Anti-osteoporosis foods

In addition, other foods can prevent and reduce osteoporosis, as is the case with:

· Broccoli: Rich in calcium (55.8mg / 100g according to the National Agency of Sanitary Safety of food, environment and work (ANSES)), vitamin B9 (102 μg / 100g) and magnesium ( 11.5mg / 100g), broccoli can also contribute to the solidification of bones. He actively participates in cell renewal, in this case bone restructuring and prevents osteoporosis.

· Banana: A study has shown that the nutritional value of bananas is interesting for the fight against osteoporosis. Banana, rich in potassium. It is a major mineral attached to a bone in good health, that's why we must not deprive ourselves.

· Eggs: With a vitamin D intake, eggs help absorb calcium in digestion. Vitamin D deficiency can be dangerous for bones and therefore potentially causes osteoporosis. If exposure to the sun can synthesize this vitamin, the eggs can maintain its level at a correct rate. At a rate of two eggs a day, especially from childhood, bone capital can be preserved.

Remember that a healthy lifestyle and physical exercise helps to preserve bone mass for as long as possible.
Natural Recipe For Rebuilding Bones And Knee Joints