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Family Injuries Are The Hardest To Heal

Family Injuries Are The Hardest To Heal

The wounds we carry attenuate the light within us. And he is sure that family injuries are the most difficult and can be life-long, because they come from very close people. So if we succeed in turning these wounds into strength that help heal, we begin to regain our true nature.

Time can cure everything
The idea that time is able to heal all wounds is a common misconception that many people believe. In fact, some of these people still feel that their loss and injury, especially family, happened yesterday. They have trouble talking about their experience and when they do, their pain is palpable.

Very often, the persistent anguish of these people stems from their attempts to escape grief. Rather than face their sorrow or sadness, they tried to distract themselves from their misery.

They try to be firm, hoping they can forget the pain until time heals their wounds. Despite the passage of time, their disarray remains because they did not have the skills to overcome adversity.

What science says
A new study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science confirms the idea that time does not heal wounds. Researchers at Arizona State University have found that, in general, people do not have a lot of natural resistance.

When people experience a life-changing or traumatic event since childhood, there is a strong chance that it will take longer than expected to recover.

The study confirmed that life stressors can lead to a significant decline in well-being that can last for many years. Researchers have indicated that the previously expressed belief that most people are resistant may prevent them from seeking the help they need to recover more effectively.

It takes courage to do the healing work. It is not simple, practical or easy. It is not possible to act as if nothing had happened. It means ending the denial, pretending and avoiding. It means being radically honest with yourself and those around you. This kind of honesty will recalibrate your DNA.

The family injury would be transmitted equally through the generations
How is it that the experiences of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents are so important in the life you are now living? How to live with a pain that you have not experienced personally?

Epigenetics, an emerging field of science that attempts to understand the influence of the acquired on the innate, explores the complex issue of transmitting trauma from generation to generation.

A study of epigenetics conducted by the University of Washington has shown evidence at the cellular level that powerful environmental stressors can leave a mark or mark on the epigenome (cellular genetic material) that can be passed on to future generations with devastating consequences.

In other words, stressors experienced by a mother during pregnancy have consequences for the child. The way she eats, the way she sleeps, the presence or absence of stress hormones in her system all affect her child. A baby whose mother is stressed has more difficulty regulating and managing her own stress reactions later in life.

If you heal and transform the wounds you carry from those that preceded you, you also change the trajectory of those who will follow. If you break the chain of addiction, violence, or other limited hereditary beliefs, your children and their children and those who follow will have access to opportunities that are not accessible to the ancestors. And so, the whole lineage evolves.

This is the gift that you can offer them, because at the time of leaving, they left accounts to settle through the ages, maintained by the tacit agreement of the family to perpetuate it until now.

Build a mental strength
Build a mental strength
Nobody is born mentally strong, but everyone has the ability to develop mental strength. Similar to the development of physical strength, there are exercises you can do to strengthen your mental strength.

Healthy habits, such as identifying what you are grateful for and practicing personal compassion, can go a long way in stimulating your mental muscle. Realistically thinking, regulating one's emotions and engaging in productive behavior is the key to getting out of adversity.

The stronger you become, the more resistant you will be to the stressors of life, big and small. Increasing your resistance requires intentional practice, but the effort is worth it. Building mental strength increases your ability to heal your psychological wounds.
Family Injuries Are The Hardest To Heal