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Why Are Maternal Grandmothers So Important To Children?

Why Are Maternal Grandmothers So Important To Children?

The bond between a maternal grandmother and her grandchildren is unwavering. Even when you grow up, you do not have time to visit her, the relationship you have with her never shakes. She has a role and a special place in your life. She pampered you, pampered you, loved you and taught you all the good things in life.

In addition to the values ​​and teachings she has given you, a maternal grandmother is also important from a genetic point of view. We decipher what science has discovered about it!

How does science explain the importance of maternal grandmothers?

According to Alejandro Jodorowsky, a famous Chilean essayist, regardless of your affinity with your maternal grandmother, no matter what memories you have shared with her, you are attached to her for life. And the reason is genetic!

Thus, his theory looks closely at how a child is influenced by his maternal grandmother. Apparently, the genetic inheritance transmitted by the mother would be largely influenced by the maternal grandmother. Indeed, of all the grandparents, it is she who would participate the most in this inheritance.

In other words, even if you do not physically resemble your maternal grandmother, the similarities are undeniably present at the genetic level. In terms of genetic transmission, gene expression can skip generations. That's why you may look like a great-aunt or great-grandmother rather than your own parents. That said, you will certainly have something from your maternal grandmother, this trace can result in a mole, the color of your eyes or even the way you walk.

Moreover, certain characteristics in children have nothing to do with education. So, if you have the same approach as your maternal grandmother, it is not because you have learned to mimic the way you walk, it is something that you have inherited genetically.

When the fetus is formed in the uterus, it receives a lot of biological material from the mother. Although the genetics of both parents contribute equally to the formation of the embryo, during its development, it is constantly fed by the mother. In other words, even when the father's participation is over, the mother's continues to operate.

A grandmother is a mother, in every sense of the word

Since a grandmother participates in one way or another in the training of her grandchildren through DNA, her traits can be transferred to them.

Nevertheless, A.Jodorowsky explains that the child does not inherit only the physical traits of his maternal grandmother. The emotional characteristics of it could also be inherited.

Indeed, the oocyte at the origin of your child contains the genetic heritage of your mother. All your children will therefore have the same genetic material, so there are links that can transcend generations.

According to the essayist, the emotions felt by the grandmother when she was pregnant would be passed on to her daughter who, in turn, passed them on to her children. The emotional influence therefore remains active in the DNA, even after several generations. In addition, the information of the mitochondrial DNA (that which comes from the mother) is more important at the time of the formation of the embryo. The sperm of the father does not contain this type of information, the paternal grandparents can not play such a determining role. Despite this, some genetic studies consider that the father's DNA is much more dominant than inherited traits.

Similarly, maternal grandmothers are much more involved in the pregnancy, delivery, and parenthood of their grandchildren. For most people, this emotional connection undoubtedly applies to all scientific studies.

So we may not know exactly what we inherited from our grandmothers, but their presence in our lives is undeniably valuable, and we hope to enjoy it as long as possible.
Why Are Maternal Grandmothers So Important To Children