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Eating Your Boogers Is Great For Health, Based On Scientists

Eating Your Boogers Is Great For Health, Based On Scientists

Have you ever been punished or punished your child for eating the poop of his nose? Also known as mucophagia, eating one's boogey has always provoked disgusted looks. However, some scientific experts suggest the opposite, and go further by even saying that it is a good practice for health. If you are a nostril explorer or know one, here's what you need to know!

Scott Napper, an associate professor of biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan, has tried in a humorous attempt to engage his students, and suggests that eating boogers could actually have useful effects. He says parents should not stop their children from scratching their noses because the nose is a rich reservoir of good bacteria.

A rude but beneficial practice!
According to Scott Napper, it is not by chance that nature pushes us to do different things: When we want to put our finger in the nose and get this mucus, it is our body that claims this need, and as long as it is needed there is a reason!

The professor thinks that the mucus contains germs and prevents them from entering the body, but that if we consume them, they can help strengthen the immune system.

What does mucus contain?
The booger is mucus lining the nostrils and, with the tiny hairs called eyelashes, they protect the lungs from foreign bodies such as germs, dust, dirt and pollen. Most of the time, eyelashes trap these tiny invaders, encapsulate them with mucus and pull them out of the nose. Sometimes, however, this mucus becomes gelatinous or hard and crisp and forms what is known colloquially.

This mucus is a gel consisting of water, ions, proteins and macromolecules. The main macromolecular components of mucus are mucin glycoproteins, which are essential for the local defense of the respiratory tract.

Interesting new data support the concept that not only mucins and mucus are important for pulmonary homeostasis and protection against environmental threats, but also that goblet cells play an important role as regulators of immune function.

The risks of picking the booger
Blowing your nose and eating boogers, then touching other household objects and other people's skin can potentially increase the risk of spreading viruses and bacteria, such as the flu or colds. .

There is no important research to name the risks of eating boogers. However, some chronic nose pickers can irritate the internal tissues of the nose and cause bleeding.

Is this an embarrassing habit for you? Do you want to get rid of it? Here are a few tips :
  • Identify the causes: If you always seem to have itchy nose or a runny nose, seasonal allergies could be the cause.
  • Try using nasal saline drops or cold air humidifiers: This prevents the nasal passages from drying out and the dirt from building up.
  • Try to have tissues more easily accessible by keeping them in your pocket, your bag or in the office drawer. You may be more likely to use them to blow your nose instead of picking the poop.
  • If this behavior is a habit due to stress: Try to find another way to reduce your stress and replace this rude habit with a healthy habit, such as deep breathing, listening to music, singing your favorite song, or even more practicing a soothing physical activity.
Eating Your Boogers