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Here Is The Most Effective Technique To Calculate Are Ideal Weight

Here Is The Most Effective Technique To Calculate Are Ideal Weight

Creff's formula

The ideal weight is very subjective. It varies by people and cultures. Still, there are some methods to evaluate it and be able to determine if you are overweight or undernourished. Whether it is the body mass index or the Broca method, you will know everything about these calculations and the resulting interpretation. No need to use your old jeans to know, scientists have done it for you!

Obesity is characterized by being overweight, which can be harmful to your health. In the long term, this disease can lead to more serious disorders for the body such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or breathing difficulties. Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can cause the body to become undernourished or overweight. To preserve your health, it is therefore important to approach the ideal weight to avoid any risk of disease.

The ideal weight is a weight where you feel comfortable and fit. But this concept must respect certain characteristics such as height, morphology and gender.

To determine its ideal weight and to interpret its initial weight, there are several methods of calculation established by scientists. Some are very easy, others are more complex to calculate. These formulas are not all based on the same criteria or they take into account a certain amount of data.

Truth About BMI “body mass index”

What is our ideal weight?

There are four methods to calculate it.

The ideal weight based on age
With age, it is normal to take a little more weight. This natural phenomenon can be observed in children in full growth phase, in adolescents and adults. Hormones also have a role to play in weight gain.

There is also a biological difference between the two genders. Men have more muscle mass than their counterparts, and heavier bones and less fat. This difference evolves with age and has an effect on weight.

To help you determine your ideal weight, here is a chart based on your gender, age and height:

There are also other methods to know your ideal weight.

The Broca method
The Broca method is the simplest and most commonly used. It is based on a single criterion to determine the ideal weight, namely size.

To estimate its perfect weight, simply take its size in cm and subtract 100. Example: For a person of 1m62, its ideal weight is 62 kg.

However, this method of calculation is limited because it does not take into account large women who can be calculated an ideal weight too high.

How to calculate your ideal weight thanks to Creff's formula?
This is the weight calculation method that knows the least limit when compared to others. Creff's formula is complete because it takes into account morphology, size and age. However, it does not include gender in the estimation.

To make this calculation, it is necessary to choose between different calculations according to its morphology (fine, normal or wide). Problem of this method: to define its morphology is not always simple, a fine silhouette can be considered as normal.

Calculation method :

-Normal morphology

[(Size in cm-100]) + (age / 10)] * 0.9

- Fine morphology

[(Size in cm-100)) + (age / 10)] * 0.9 squared

-Morphology wide

[(Size in cm-100)) + (age / 10)] * 0.9 * 1.1

How to calculate your weight thanks to the body mass index (BMI)?
This is the most used calculation method and the one considered the most reliable. This is a technique that has been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) that takes into consideration the size and weight. The BMI is proving to be more relevant than the pounds in order to be able to determine its corpulence.

It is also an index that measures weight extremes such as obesity or thinness. The BMI is a relevant calculation method for people aged between 18 and 65, but it does not correspond to athletes, breastfeeding women or seniors.

Method of calculation of body mass index: weight / height squared

Here are the scales and the resulting interpretations:

- Less than 16.5           : Undernutrition or anorexia
- Between  16.5 and 18: Thinness
- Between  18 and 25   : Normal weight
- Between  25 and 30   : Overweight
- Between  30 and 35   : Moderate obesity
- Between  35 and 40   : High obesity
- Beyond    40              : Massive Obesity